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Along for the ride

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The Natures Child

Ah yes, my oldest son just turned 5 yesterday. He really wanted a friend party this year and I thought now would be the perfect time for him to have one. In a day and age when people spend more money on a child's party than my husband makes in one week, throwing a party can be daunting.

That is what we use to refer to divorce in our house. My oldest son is old enough to want to know everything and I know he world ask what divorce is if we talked about it in front of him. Although it has come up a few times in conversation and we have explained to him that not all mommies and daddies stay together, this is not a conversation I want to have with him too often. Life can be harsh and I do not want him to have to worry about it too much yet.

I am going to try to remain faithful to why I started this blog . . . to talk about marriage and family life, but it is hard. I am one of those types of people that gets fairly passionate about something for about a week and then I forget about it the next.

I am new to the world of blogging and, really, there is a part of me that is surprised I am doing this. But, here it goes anyways . . .

The reason for "Blessed with Full Hands" . . .

7 weeks ago I had my third child, my third boy. As the weeks have passed, I have gotten up enough courage to take the boys to the library, store and even the pool. Many times it is quite a chaotic adventure, but most of the time it is just another trip out to run errands with the boys.

I am a mom to three amazing boys and wife to one great man. I love Jesus and the Catholic Church. I home school, use cloth diapers, try to be as thrifty as possible, and recently started my own garden. I love all things natural and want to become a supporter of the Slow Food Movement.  I am an ACE certified personal trainer and an avid runner.  In my spare time I work as a Personal Trainer and Life Coach.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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