. . . is seeing how much my children love each other. My 12 week old was laying on my bed and along came Caleb, my 2 year old. Now this should invoke fear in Andrew, but instead, all he did was give Caleb the biggest smile and laugh. Caleb began laughing back and bouncing around Andrew . . . which only made Andrew laugh more . . . .

This past weekend at mass we went to a different church than we normally do. This one has a cry room, so I went into the cry room with our 10 week old Andrew and 2 year old Caleb and my husband sat in the main church with our oldest, Joshua. Andrew needed to eat as soon as we got there, so I pulled out my handy little Hooter Hider knock-off I made myself and nursed him through the first part of mass.

The last few days have been very hot. I have made a conscious effort to get the boys to the pool. They love going so much, that I wanted to make sure we got a lot of time at the pool in this week. So, we have spent a good portion of each day at the pool.

I must admit, I love going to the pool too!! First, there are the times that we take the double jogger stroller and walk to the pool. I LOVE the exercise. When at the pool, I love watching the boys play. Joshua has been an angel.

My parents were here for A's baptism last weekend. Sunday morning we sat down for breakfast and my mom blurted out "You are a lot like Grandma P." Now, my grandmother is a wonderful woman, but she has a few character flaws that are the first things family members think of when they think of Grandma P. So, I had to pry, "How am I like Grandma?" My mom kept on saying to forget it. She must have forgotten I was stubborn. Finally, she said "You're frugal." I laughed . . .

. . . the more I like my FAMILY.

This weekend was a busy weekend. Friday was the 4th of July and Saturday, was our youngest son's baptism and party. My parents came into town on the 4th, as did Andrew's God parents. Unfortunately, their car hydroplaned and went up an embankment. Luckily, they got their car fixed yesterday so they could go home today.

With the accident and all of the people coming to our house, life was a bit crazy.

All marriage info, resources and blogging will be here .

This blog will now be just about me,family, homeschooling, etc.

I have my MA in Counseling, specializing in career counseling. I have extensive training in time management and have developed a solid life coaching program for those seeking to develop a balanced lifestyle.

I am a mom to three amazing and energetic boys (8,5,3) and a wife to a great man.  My hubby and I have been married 10 years and live in the metro DC area.  We are Catholic and love our faith and Jesus. I homeschool our three boys.  I am an ACE certified Personal trainer and I have my MA in counseling and also Life Coach on the side too. And I love to run. I started running the Spring of 2009 as a way to increase my cardio fitness.  And I fell in love with running.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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