Our Culture and Breastfeeding
Pool Days
I must admit, I love going to the pool too!! First, there are the times that we take the double jogger stroller and walk to the pool. I LOVE the exercise. When at the pool, I love watching the boys play. Joshua has been an angel.
Frugally Extravagant
The more people I meet . . .
This weekend was a busy weekend. Friday was the 4th of July and Saturday, was our youngest son's baptism and party. My parents came into town on the 4th, as did Andrew's God parents. Unfortunately, their car hydroplaned and went up an embankment. Luckily, they got their car fixed yesterday so they could go home today.
With the accident and all of the people coming to our house, life was a bit crazy.
Changes to blog
This blog will now be just about me,family, homeschooling, etc.