With today's lessons over, we have almost completed the first week of home school. It is going well. We have had a few rough spots, as expected, and there have been times, I must admit, I wonder if this is really for me. God is really challenging me and He gave me Joshua as my first child to do it! He is very different from me when it comes to approach to school and academics and I am growing in patience even in this first week.

First, he LOVES Box Car Children. I am a bit surprised, but we are ahead of the schedule because he loves it so much. I love sitting on the couch reading it to him. He snuggles into me and sits there and actually gets upset when we are done and are ready to move onto something else.

I do not know if there is another St Felicity, but I have found another account of her. Although the other appears to be correct (since it was written by St Perpetua), I like this one because St Felicity is said to have had 7 seven sons . . . and I am almost half way there!!!


Felicity was a noble Christian woman of Rome. She lived during the second century. After her husband's death, she served God by prayer and works of charity.

Since this blog is named Felicity, I thought it only appropriate to share the story of St Felicity and her martyrdom. This comes from Catholic.org . St Felicity, pray for us!

Sts. Perpetua and Felicity

Feastday: July 10, March 7

With the lives of so many early martyrs shrouded in legend, we are fortunate to have the record of the courage of Perpetua and Felicity from the hand of Perpetua herself, her teacher Saturus, and others who knew them.

All three boys are napping!! Joshua has not napped in years, but since he got a new bunk bed in his room, all he wants to do is be in it! We will see how it goes . . . as I type I can hear Caleb and Joshua playing it up. I may have to put an end to it soon!

In the meantime, I am going to consolidate my two blogs. Although, I had aspirations of having this blog be a journal of homeschooling and life and the other one be a marriage blog, I just cannot keep up two at the same time.

Yesterday we started school. I was anxious to begin since next week I start to "Tutor" for a homeschool tutorial. I wanted to make sure we had our routine down at least a little at home before I had to start something else as well.

I woke up earlier than normal, got my shower in and got ready for the day. I was even able to start a pot of coffee before the boys woke up (this was quite an accomplishment for me!!).

Well, we have been back from vacation for a month now. It is about time I finish this.

The last day was another "driving day". As with the first day, we had no plans other than to drive and, if we saw something interesting, stop and even stay the night.

My hubby did most of the driving. I took over for a bit, but that lasted about a half an hour because A screamed continuously. I figured he would cry a bunch on the drive. He was in a sling, on me, for 5 days straight.

I wonder if they are ever going to make it to adulthood without killing each other!

Blocks are incredibly good weapons and can really hurt if aimed correctly.

I am planning on starting to home school my son next week. He will be starting kindergarten. My emotions have been all over the place . . . excited, confident, nervous, scared, worried, hopeful, . . . you name it, I have felt it about homeschooling.

I am not questioning the decision. I know it is the right one and I know that this is what God wants us to do. I am pretty firm in my resolve, but the execution of it worries me.

Last night I went to this meeting for new homeschoolers . . .

If you have not read Part #1, I suggest you do so . . . it gives a little explanation to the title!!

For part #2, all I have to say is the more the merrier!!! I love my kids and would love as many as God sees fit to bless us with!! Before marriage, I thought my limit would be two (and that was pushing it a bit!!) . . .

Several well-intentioned people thought our boys needed those little plastic green army men. One package of 100 was fine, but they have multiplied. We now have multi-colored Cowboys and Indians (some even glow in the dark!!) and blue army men too. My boys love these, but they have been found all around our house!!

I thought it would be fun to list the many places I have found them. More may be added at a later date, but only if they are fun and interesting!

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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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