Last week we went to our local Chick-fil-a. That particular night was Family Night. Kids get free kid's meals and they could get their face painted. Well, J and K wanted to be Spiderman. They were so cute. They ran around the play area "shooting webs". Joshua, who is normally shy, kept on wrestling with another boy who had his face painted like "the bad Spiderman".

It is hard to believe that we are already in week 5 of homeschooling. The days and weeks fly by and I now understand what many say when they say to treasure the time with your children because it will go by quickly. I guess that is why I am writing on this blog. So I can keep a journal about what we are doing. I look forward to the end of the year and review how far we have come.

I look forward to seeing J's progression. Last week we made a Nature Journal.

Several months ago I read a book called The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey . It is a great book about managing your money and getting yourself out of debt (He considers anything that is not your mortgage that you are paying on, debt . . . some people do not see it that way). In that book, he says to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses because they are probably broke.

For some reason that stuck with me. I have always struggled with the desire to keep "up with the Joneses".

This past Saturday, I took the boys to a special event at Goddard Space Center, called Launchfest. I originally had no intention of going. Matter of fact, I did not even know about it until about 11 AM on Saturday, after we had gotten back from CCD. I have been telling J that I would take him to Goddard for about a year now and this seemed like the perfect time to go. So, I got really excited and called my hubby (who had to work) to see if he thought I should go, by myself, with the three boys.

We call him K for short.

Since starting to homeschool, I have really tried to do more "arts and crafts" with the boys. This is a stretch for all of us. I am not crafty and cannot think of any fun craft on the spur of the moment. And the boys, by their nature, do not like to sit long to complete a craft. So, when I read on another blog, about how to make sidewalk paint, I thought we had a winner.

So, this Wednesday, J and I made the paint while K was napping. I headed out with J and he began painting.

Weeks of school, that is.

Week 2 of homeschooling is complete and it went well. It was a shortened week with Labor Day on Monday and my "tutoring" at the homeschool tutorial on Tuesday. It was a bit hard to get into the groove on Wednesday.

By Thursday, I was already tired of doing workbook work for Math and Writing, so we headed outside to do a counting and adding "hop scotch" game.

My baby hit a milestone yesterday, September 4th . . .

My two year old was lying on the kitchen floor, pulling himself along by his hands. Who needs to scrub the floor with him around . . .
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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