Maybe it is because we are on vacation and I have seen more news the last few days that I have in months (we do not have cable at home). Really, do not watch the news stations . . . they will make you sick. One good thing has come from it, I have prayed harder for this election than any other.

Go here for more info on the case against Obama.

There is a law in physics that is called the Law of Entropy. Basically put, it states that the universe tends to go from order to disorder. Anyone want to see proof of this law can come to my house.

(A disclaimer: Before reading the following. I may not be the best housekeeper in the world, but I do try to keep it clean, neat and sanitary . . . this little guy just flies under the radar!!).

I have a very special entropy maker: my 2 yr old.

Please Join with me to pray this novena prayer for the next 9 days up until the election.

A friend asked me yesterday if we plan to do any school while on vacation. My answer: yes. We were a bit sporadic with school while waiting for baby A's test results, so I need to make up a little ground. I have simplified our plans, so I do not need to bring tons of books, etc, but it should be fun. These our our plans:

1. Handwriting: I am sticking with Handwriting Without Tears, I am just not bringing our wood pieces

2. Reading: Alphaphonics

3. Math: I am bringing a set of dominoes . . .

Almost two weeks ago we got back Andrew's 24 hr EKG results . . . they came back normal. It looks like he does not have Long QT Syndrome. As soon as we heard this, Pete and I looked at each other and said "We need a vacation." The stress of not knowing if Andrew had a serious heart condition had gotten to us and we needed just some good, family time away.

So, in just one day, we are headed to Williamsburg, VA. We have gone there every year for the past 3 years.

As we closer to the election, I am getting more fired up. Check this video out.

I think if there were a book like this, I would buy it and read it from cover to cover as soon as possible.

If I wrote it, it would go something like this:

Lesson 1:

Part 1: Buy a bottle of wine

Part 2: Pour a glass of wine and drink it.

Lesson 2:

Part 1: Make a list of all the things your child struggles with in school.

I told J to clean up his toys and if he did not, I would clean them all up, get rid of them, and give them to charity. While cleaning, Joshua said, "I think Rich would like them better." When I asked J who Rich was, he replied, "A boy at soccer practice."

I was confused.

This past week has been a disturbing one for me as I read or listened to the national news about the election. According to most new programs, web news, and polls, the election is "over". A winner has been declared.

I had no intentions of watching the debate this week. I know who I am voting for and listening to both candidates dance around answering questions, did not seem appealing to me. So, I went to bed early. Once in bed, I could not sleep.

I am a day late in posting this, but Happy Feast day St Teresa of Avila!!

In a time when so many talk about how women are advancing in political life, etc, I thought about all the strong women in the Church. St Edith Stein (Benedicta of the Cross), St Catherine of Siena and St Teresa of Avila. I am reading Interior Castle right now, and yes, she is truly a strong woman of God. If we women are looking for role models, we need look no further than this amazing woman.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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