The Saga Continues
As of right now, the blood test will be done after Thanksgiving, but I wanted to talk to the cardiologist to see why it needed to be done. Well, he said that the 24 hr ECG did come back normal.
Thanksgiving Preparation
For the last week I have been cleaning. You know, the areas of the house that no guest will see, but that you HAVE TO HAVE CLEAN. The drawer under the oven where I keep all bake ware. The Tupperware cabinet (that was horrible . . .
Happy Birthday Hubby!!
Great Giveaway!!
One of those days
I had one of those days today.
There was nothing special or out of the ordinary today. Today we had some errands to run. Sunday is my hubby's birthday and we wanted to get him a gift. So the boys and I headed out.
All I want for Christmas . . .
It has been a little over a month now that we have been waiting to hear from insurance as to whether they will cover A's blood test and how much of it. After talking to the rep from the company that does the test two weeks ago, I felt pretty confident that the insurance would cover 90% of the test and our deductible would be covered, so when all was done, the test would cost us around $600.
Am I the only one??
The following is a quote from the Washington Times. The article was concerning appointment of judges. Read this quote, which includes something that that our president-elect said, and tell me if something just "doesn't seem right."
Books I like
Saints :Lives and Illuminations and More Saints: Lives and Illuminations are beautiful books. The pictures of the saints are beautifully done and the stories are well complied to keep children interested.