I love, love, love, the Classical Kids Collection of CDs. We only own one, Vivaldi's Ring of Mystery, but have gotten others from the library and my boys have enjoyed them all. The stories are interesting and they even weave in factual information about the composer. I use these to supplement my art/music curriculum.

Well, this past week, I went to the library and got a Classical Kids Christmas, and it does not disappoint. It is beautifully done, has some of my most favorite classical music and Christmas music, and, most importantly, my boys love it! They have listened to it every day since we picked it up from the library.

I am very behind in posting this. Advent has been flying by. This year I tried my best to be crafty, but it has totally backfired. I had planned on making Jesse Tree Ornaments using felt, to be placed on our Christmas tree, but it did not work out at all! Next yearI think I will go back to the Jesse Tree idea I used last year.

Other than that, our Advent activities have been very simple. We have continued to pray a decade of the rosary every morning.

Oh, I like typing that title! I had to look it up, but it was at the end of September that I decided to run in a half marathon before the end of 2009. And, after the Metric marathon that I registered for was cancelled, due to weather, I was not sure if I would achieve this goal or not.

The week before the race flew by. I was not sure how to approach running and exercising that week.

This past Saturday, was my birthday. I had such a great weekend. Saturday morning, J had CCD, so my hubby took K with him to drop off J. When they all arrived home, they brought home a dozen roses, a birthday balloon (which the boys had picked out!), Chick-fil-a breakfast (I love their Chicken biscuit sandwich) and Dunkin Donuts coffee (my favorite coffee).

Here are my small successes for the week:

1. We have 40+ year old metal kitchen cabinets. Greasy little hand smudges show up on them perfectly! So, this week I gave them an incredible scrub down. I even took the handles off and scrubbed those down too!

2. I took the boys down to the National Archives and the Museum of American History on Tuesday. My husband's office was closed that day because it was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, but he still had a meeting downtown.

About two months ago, I wrote this post, where I proclaimed to the few people that read my blog that I was going to run a metric marathon (16.2 miles). Well, that race was this weekend.

Going into last week, I was hopeful, but nervous. I had a great 10 mile long run on Saturday, with the best time I have ever had in my training runs. I was feeling good. The thought of running the 16 miles in just a few shorts days made me gulp a few times, but overall I was optimistic. I had trained hard.

Your Advent wreath, meant for prayer, turns into camouflage for green army men getting ready to attack an unsuspecting group of red army men!

Since I have not had much time to blog lately, the first posts to "not be written" are my made in the USA posts. I have lists of products I have used that I want to write reviews on, and those will eventually come, but at a much slower pace than I originally wanted. I really do not know how moms with review and giveaway blogs do it!

In the meantime, I want to point you all to a great Made in the USA blog, called Made in the USA.

This is the cake I made for my husband's birthday. I have made it before and just loved it. The original recipe came from All Recipes.com and the photo came from there as well. I changed the recipe slightly from the original. I do NOT add chocolate chips to the cake batter. The cake is very rich, and I think would be too rich if I added another 2 cups of chocolate chips.

Outside my window...

Warmer than expected and rainy . . . I wish it were not rainy.

I am thinking...

That I am beginning to like daybooking at night!

I am thankful for...

The season of Advent. I love Advent and preparing for Christ's birth.

I am wearing...

Dark gray yoga pants, a dark gray shirt and a light blue and gray fleece vest.

I praying...

For a special intention for friends of ours.

I am going...
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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