Yes, this is a picture of my 2 year old dragging his 10 month old brother across the living room floor by the feet of his pajamas (the pj's are, luckily, too big AND they stretch).

As I have said in a previous post, I have been very anxious for Lent to start. It is my favorite Liturgical Season. I enjoy really looking at my life and my relationship with Jesus and to see how I can grow closer to Him and in what ways I can die more to myself, so that He may live more in me. Homeschooling has helped me enter more into Lent this year too. I feel a greater responsibility to truly "Live the Liturgy" in our house. I want my Catholic Faith to come alive to my boys.

These are my small successes for today and this week:

1. I have gotten up before the boys have every day this week. This is huge for me. A still does not sleep through the night, so I have been tired and usually just get up when the boys wake up. But, since it is Lent and I really want some quiet time to pray and do other things in the morning, I have been setting the alarm clock. I LOVE having that time in the morning. I am able to get so much done.

From the Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my window...

It is sunny, but cold.

I am thinking...

About Ash Wednesday. Lent starts tomorrow. I am looking forward to it. Lent is my favorite Liturgical Season.

I am thankful for...

Everyone being healthy again. Also, the gift of blogging. I love reading other blogs and getting ideas on how to celebrate Lent with my family.

From the learning rooms...

Right now I am making my plans for Lent . . .

This morning our house was quite hectic. The boys seemed to be fighting constantly and time outs were generously given out. Even baby A was crying tons!! With this, I was feeling stressed. My parents are coming into town to visit and I really need to CLEAN the house. Since we were all sick last week, we have a lot of school to catch up on. We ran out of milk this morning, and I really need to go grocery shopping. What to do?? Clean, school, or shop???

I am not sure why I decided to go shopping.

From the Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my window...

It is a mixture of sunny and cloudy. It is colder today than it has been, but it is not too bad.

I am thinking...

About homeschool plans . . . see later in this post

I am thankful for...

First, for finally feeling better. Today is the first day that I have been able to eat something and NOT get sick . . . I never thought I would be so happy to eat toast!!

I cannot say it enough . . . I am so thankful for my husband.

About a week ago, I read about this company that makes pro marriage t-shirts. I went to their website and checked it out and was so impressed that I wanted to share it here.

The company is called From*Me Tees and they make pro-marriage shirts. Take the time to read their mission statement here, it is worth it. In an age where divorce rates are high and making demeaning comments about one's spouse are common, I think these t-shirts are a hip way to positively influence the culture around us.

It feels as if I have been away for so long!! I am taking my mandatory rest time from cleaning up, so I decided to write a quick post.

Since my last post I found I had strep throat, K was "sidelined" for about 4 days with the stomach bug, and mid week J got the stomach bug AND strep throat. The boys are all better now, but I am not so lucky. I had one good day this week, Tuesday. My antibiotics for the strep were working and, even though I did not feel 100%, I was doing OK.

Mudpies and Maryjanes is giveaway a Keurig coffee maker!! Go check it out!

The flu has come as a guest in our house!! An unwelcomed guest. Last weekend J had a fever and an eye infection. He was better by Monday and I really had hoped the rest of us had escaped. But, just a few days later I got a sore throat and K had cold symptoms. Friday afternoon I got the chills . . . I new I was in for it!! Since then I have been on round after round of ibuprofen just to feel somewhat normal to break the fever and also to get restful sleep. K, started throwing up Sat.
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About Me
About Me
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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