Here is my list of small successes for the week:

1. The backroom is clean!!! The back room is clean!!! It has not been this clean in a year!!!!!

2. I got the summer clothes bins out. I have not switched the clothes yet, but just getting the bins out is a huge step for me. I do not usually change the clothes over this early, but I have realized that the boys are really just getting clothes out of the laundry basket lately. Their drawers are filled with clothes that no longer fit them and they only have a few outfits that actually fit. K, my two year old has been wearing J's sweatpants and shirts and J looks like he is ready for a flood!!

3. I have a field trip planned for tomorrow. Not a huge one, just a 20 min trip to the National Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.

From the Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my window...

It is overcast and dreary outside. It is slightly warm. At least, warmer than it has been. I am looking forward to Spring!!

I am thinking...

About a "talk" I have been asked to give at a Lenten "Woman's Night Out". The topic has been totally confirmed . . . I am pretty sure it is what God wants me to speak about, but I am still nervous!!

I am thankful for...

The gift of our home.

From the learning rooms...

Here is my list of small successes for the week:

1. After spending a week on deliberating how to move the rooms around to create more space in our home, we have decided to leave all the bed rooms alone and just declutter . . . I mean really declutter. I have convinced my husband that we need to get rid of most of the books we have. He is getting his doctorate, so we have TONS of books, but he has agreed to let many of them go. So far I have cleared out all of the book shelves in the house.

Inspired by my friend Mau's post on the Top Reasons Why 2 Rocks , I have decided to write a post about boys and why they are so great. I love my boys. I think that having boys is great!!

Being a mom of three young boys, I will often get pity from strangers while out and about. I must admit, this happens to be my biggest pet peeve. I hate, yes, hate when random strangers feel the urge to make derogatory statements to me about having all boys; especially right in front of my boys.

A friend sent me this article and thought I would share it here. It encapsulates a mother's love for her babies, the joy in large families and the beauty of spending each day at home, raising children.


This is a really neat article written by my dad's mom during the Depression. Grandma had grown up as one of two children of a well-to-do merchant, and when she married Grandpa, he was a dirt-poor farmer.

I think my 2 year old is training for an eating contest.

About a week ago, the boys and I were eating cereal for breakfast. I was sitting next to K and I noticed he was eating rather quickly. OK, he was piling food into his mouth at an amazing rate. Within a minute, he was done and looked at me and said, "I won mommy. You lost." I just laughed. I thought he was just being silly. But then it happened again at lunch with macaroni and cheese, and again at dinner with chicken, rice and peas.
About Me
About Me
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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