Simple Woman's Daybook - A day late
Outside my window...
It is hot, but beautiful!! The sun has been shining all day and there has been a light breeze.
I am thinking...
About the busy week and weekend. Grandma and Grandpa P are coming to visit and Uncle B and Aunt R are coming too!
I am thankful for...
The great family time we had this Sunday. My wonderful husband, the boys and I went to Manassas to see the battlefields and the bluebells.
Cabin Fever
The Easter story as told by my two year old . . . .
"Jesus died on the cross. "
"Jesus rolled away from the stone."
Not quite right. But, close.
Monkey Manners
Earlier today we were all in the kitchen and I left the room for two minutes and when I came back, J was sitting on the kitchen table, spinning around like a break dancer.
Happy Birthday Baby A!
1 day old
6 weeks old
10 months old
It is so hard to believe that you are 1 year old already. You have been such a blessing to our family.
Simple Woman's Daybook - April 20, 2009
Outside my window...
It is dark and rainy.
I am thinking...
About baby A. He has been sick the last couple of days. He is sleeping peacefully now. I hope he wakes up healthy.
I am thankful for...
This quiet morning . . . all of the boys are sleeping in!!
From the learning rooms...
Today we start back to school. I had originally planned to take Holy week and last week off and then we ended up doing school during Holy Week.
Our trip to the JPII Cultural Center
My little cathedrals building their own cathedral.
The Cathedral.
J making a rubbing of a saint.
J playing the bells in the tower.
Go, Mom!!
1. I finally got the weight bench set up!! I am too embarrassed to share how long the weight bench sat in a box in my garage, or how long I had it half-set-up. But, it is done! Now, I need to bring in the weights so I can use the bench!
2. I put away my winter clothes and brought our my summer clothes. I have decluttered our bedroom and it looks so nice!!
3. The boys and I met my husband at his work today for mass and lunch.
Can't Get to a Tea Party?
If you missed it too, go to Pajamas TV. It has live coverage from the Tea Parties all over the nation.