This Giveaway is now Closed.

Over the last year have become a total baby wearer. I was not in the beginning of my motherhood with my first. With my second, I tried it out more, and now, with my third, I do not know why I hadn't started sooner!! My hands were full holding on to other little hands and I needed a place where my third was comfortable and secure. I fell in love with baby wearing. I love having baby A close to me (and he loves it too!) It allows me to get so much more done around the house; from homeschooling my oldest to cleaning. Plus, studies show that babies that are worn and are close to their moms tend to be healthier, gain independence more quickly and cry less.

I have tried a wide variety of carriers: pouch slings, ring slings, mei-tais, soft carriers, and wraps.

Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine is having their annual Reader's Choice Awards. You can go vote now. Once you vote, you will be entered in a drawing to win all of the winners!!

One of the products you can vote for is the Sleepy Wrap. If you have not tried it, go to the Sleepy Wrap Website to check it out. Plus, as an incentive to vote, Sleepy Wrap is offering a 15% off coupon to all who vote in Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine's Reader's Choice Award.

My Grandmother passed away on Tuesday. She is loved by all of us and affectionately called Babcia (it is polish for grandma) by my sons.

We will miss you Babcia!!

K with Babcia in 2006

A with Babcia in 2008

Eternal rest grant unto Babcia, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May Babcia and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Last week, we started school with praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for my grandmother. The boys seemed to pick it up rather quickly, but by the end of each chaplet, they would be fidgety and not really paying attention. But, I was wrong . . .

While we were driving to Buffalo last Friday to see my grandmother, K could be heard saying, emphatically, several times, "I trust in Jesus." It was so cute, that I could not help but laugh a little.

It feels like I have been dragging this week. With travelling to see my grandmother before she died and with her passing, I have been sluggish, but I have gotten a few things done.

1. Our vegetable garden is planted!! We planted green peppers, tomatoes, cilantro, basil, carrots and watermelon. There is so much more I wanted to plant, but do not have the space.

2. I am almost done with final grades for the classes I tutor.

I came across this today and thought I would share.

From the Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my window...

It is cool, and cloudy. It had been raining, but has stopped. Thank goodness for the rain!

I am thinking...

Gosh, this house is messy. We took an unexpected trip to see my grandmother. We left in a hurry and came home late last night. I have a bunch of reorganizing and cleaning up to do today.

I am thankful for...

Three things: For being able to see my grandmother before she dies. She is not expected to live much longer.

Here are my small successes for the week:

1. My vegetable garden is ready to plant. Thanks to my hubby for getting so much mulch and my boys for helping me work up the ground. This is our first vegetable garden and I am so happy to have one.

2. I have kept to my eating plan this week. This has been hard. I have been pretty stressed over a family situation and I am an emotional eater. I have been craving chocolate and other sweets, but have refrained. Keeping "my eyes on the prize".


Like my friend Maurisa, we headed to the air show this weekend. My boys were mesmerized at the moment they saw the soldiers who searched our bags when we got to the parking lot (before they even saw one airplane). I knew they would have so much fun. Through the day we climbed in planes, tanks, helicopters and other vehicles. The boys met pilots and soldiers trained for the secret service special unit (they were carrying 2 guns and several other weapons).

This is my new favorite song. It is from the movie Fireproof.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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