From the Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my window...

The sun is shining. It is not too hot . . . I love it!

I am thinking...

About the fact that I am beginning my Made in the USA feature on my blog this weekend. I am planning it all out in my mind and on paper. And I am just offering it to God since I feel that He is the one that put it on my heart.

I am thankful for...

My boys. They are growing up so fast. I love them!

From the learning rooms...

Lots of summer reading.

From the kitchen...

I have been good at planning dinner, but never god at planning breakfast. After recognizing how just eating cereal in the AM affects my emotions, and reading this post on homeschooling boys, I have started to plan breakfasts. We are limiting cereal and increasing our protein intake in the AM.

Today while working out I was listening to music. In order to keep up the pace on the Nordic Track, I have to listen to really up beat music (some would call it edgy or hard). I am one of those people that needs an electric treadmill that makes you go fast, but since I do not have one, I have to pump loud, fast music into my ears.

When I get to the "high point" in my workout, I start listening to a song by Daughtry called, There and Back Again.

Here are my small successes for the week:

1. The "Great Room Change" is pretty much complete. All rooms are in order, baby A is already sleeping more (just not at night ;-) ), and most seem to be happy with the new arrangements. I still need to move the closets, but this is about what I have done, not what I still need to do, right?

2. I got the Review and Giveaway up for the My Mass Kit. Please go and leave a comment to try to win it!


Happy Birthday my dear J! It is so hard to believe you are 6 today. It seems like just yesterday, you were this smiley little baby.

You are so much fun to be with. You are smart and so sweet. I love your shy little ways.

You are a great big brother to both K and A.

You are such a sweet, sincere boy. You love God and are growing in your faith everyday.

This Giveaway is Temporarily CLOSED. Look for upcoming details.

I love my Catholic faith. And, as a mom of three boys, my heart's desire is to instill in my boys a love for Jesus and a love for the Catholic Church. I am continually searching for fun ways to engage the boys so that they can pick up the Faith. That was why I was so excited to learn of the Wee Believers My Mass Kit. I was very fortunate to get the opportunity to review the My Mass Kit.

From the Simple Woman's Daybook.

Outside my window...

The sun is shining. There is a light breeze. It is a perfect day!

I am thinking...

I need to buy new curtains for the boy's room . . . they are waking up with the sun! (Too early for me!)

I am thankful for...

For a nice weekend, my wonderful husband and my parents.

From the learning rooms...

J continues to work on his reading.

Here are my Small Successes for the week:

1. The "Great Room Change" is underway. We are moving bedrooms. My hubby and I had the big bedroom upstairs (with baby A), the boys were in the smallest room upstairs, and the boy's toys were downstairs in one of the bedrooms. My hubby and I are now downstairs (K, this AM, looked at us and said "Why were you sleeping in the playroom?"). The boys are in transition to the big bedroom upstairs (where their toys will be as well).

This is a new initiative started by I love the idea!. To read more about "Closed on Sundays" go here.

Here is a copy of an email they sent to their readers:

Dear Member,

Please don’t visit this Sunday.

Yes, you read that correctly. This Sunday, and every Sunday in fact, you will not be able to interact on our website.

That’s because starting this weekend will be closed on Sundays.

Silly A

To see more Wordless Wednesday Posts, visit Go, Graham Go!

We have a dog. Cooper. If you have seen the movie, or read the book, Marley and Me, you have "met" our dog. Except Cooper is a Golden Retriever. A large Golden Retriever. He eats any toys left on the floor, but leaves scraps that fell from the dinner table. He will chew on the boys' arms to play. And he can knock K and J over in a moment. The boys love him, but do not like playing with him. Nor do they really like him around when they are playing.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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