I just had to share this right a way. The Archdiocese of NY has an amazing vocations website called NYPriest.com. It is well done, well organized, and the video brought me to tears! This is a beautiful way to show others what a special calling the priesthood is.

I am not a fan of most government programs like Cash for Clunkers. Dave Ramsey wrote a very good, short article on his thoughts on the program. Read the article here.

This week I had a hard time coming up with my successes. Since Sunday, one, or all of us, have been sick. Baby A started us off, and we all followed in succession (except for K, who seemed to get away with just a runny nose!). Now, my hubby is back to work and we are all feeling better (for the most part). I am ready to get out of the house, but will wait one more day to make sure everyone is really better.

So, here are my feeble attempts at successes this week.


Yesterday morning, the boys made friends with a Praying Mantis. They were mesmerized by it and watched it for about a half an hour before it flew away.

Several years ago when I was pregnant with my first son, a friend of mine shared some pregnancy advice . . She said that the one thing she could not live without while pregnant was a body pillow.S o my wonderful hubby gave me one from Christmas. Fast forward to my third pregnancy .. . . The body pillow that I had during my first pregnancy was worn out . . . I realized that I loved using it ALL the TIME!!!! Pregnant or not, I used a body pillow.

Apparently my 3 year old knows his Constitutional Rights.

Yesterday K dumped his sippy cup of milk down the drain in the bathroom. As a consequence of this behavior, I told him he could not have any more milk to drink for the rest of the day. At dinner time, he began to cry that he wanted milk. My husband began to question K about the incident earlier in the day that led to the current situation.

"Why did you dump your milk down the drain?" My hubby asked K.

Here are my small successes for the week:

1. The boys and I cleaned their room and reorganized all of the toy bins. We keep all but two toy bins out in the garage and we regularly rotate them into the house. I am not sure how it happens, but every few months I have to bring all of the bins in, dump them and make sure all of the toys go back into their correct bins. I am hoping that we will not have to do to this again until Christmas.

2. I have finished my yard work.

We do not watch much TV. We do not have cable, so if we do watch anything it is usually a free movie we have borrowed from the library. Every couple of weeks, my husband or I will go through the racks of movies at the library to try to find something interesting. This past weekend, my husband brought home a movie called One Night with the King. This movie is the story of Queen Esther from the Bible. We decided to watch it and I was not disappointed.

The winner of the Brand of the Free Tee is #20:


Congratulations! look for an email from me!

I know it has been a while since I have shared any details about my workout and weightloss progress. So far I have been following the Body for Life exercise program program for 14 weeks. I have lost 14 lbs so far and am 7 lbs away from my goal weight. I have taken photos of my progress (which I will NEVER post here ;) )and can see so many changes in my muscle tone and posture.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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