Here are my small successes for the week:

1. I ran in my first 5K this weekend. And, much to my surprise, I won my age category! I am NOT a fast runner, and I was not the only woman running, so this was a surprise!

2. I have been on a strange cleaning kick this week. I have washed curtains, de-cluttered and organized a linen closet and washed down the kitchen ceiling fan.

3. My boys have been transformed into little Indians. Since our trip to Jamestown Settlement, J has been wanting an Indian "outfit". Well, after a few cuts of fabric, he and K have makeshift Indian "shirts". A neighbor gave us an old tepee frame, so I dug it out and put a sheet over it, so they have a tepee. For the last several days, they have been running around, pretending to be Indians.

Today the boys and I were in the car. We were driving along and K, my three year old, proclaims "I saw Jesus in his car!" I laughed a little and told K it was probably not Jesus.

J then says, "Well, K, Jesus often appeared to the saints while they were alive. It could have been Jesus."

St. K?

We will see . .

I thought it would be good to follow up my last post, which expressed my frustrations of teaching my son to read, with a positive one about homeschooling.

I am hoping that all homeschooling moms wonder what they are doing and question the decision to homeschool . . . I do. I worry about that too, because I only started homeschooling last year and my son is only a first grader!

In the first few weeks of this year, I have had a "crisis of faith" so to speak concerning homeshooling.

We are done with school today and the boys are watching Word World. They love it. Today, World World is all about the sound that two o's make together as in school or roof. (Duck, Monkey and Dog are building a roof so they do not get wet in the rain). Anyways, they just finished singing a catchy song to teach the "oo" sound.

My first thought was, yeah that is great, until my son has to read LOOK or BOOK.

It usually only happens about once a year. For about a week, once a year, I once again try to come to terms that with the fact I will never have a baby the "normal way". I have had three c-sections, and now, I really have no choice in the matter. If I have any more children, I will have another c-section. And, over six years after I had my first c-section, I still mourn the loss of not being able to have a child naturally.

Today, while I was on a forum I belong to, I read a post that a dad wrote about a special time he had with his 2 and a half year old daughter. The point of the post was that the time goes by so quickly and to cherish each day we have with our kids while they are young. I admit, I needed that gentle reminder.

So often I fall prey to the "I can't waits".

I cannot wait until the boys take their naps and have quiet play time.


Outside my window...

It is a beautiful sunny day. I love these, late summer, early fall days!

I am thinking...

About yesterday's Gospel reading: "Pick up your cross and follow Me." I am contemplating my own crosses and those of others. Maybe it will turn into a blog post.

I am thankful for...

For my amazing husband. He is so good to me!

I am wearing...

Black yoga pant, gray 3/4 sleeve shirt, flip flops

I am remembering...

Here are my small successes for the week:

1. We started school this week.

2. I cleaned the laundry room out. I am sure no one in my family has noticed, but I swept the floor, threw out the junk, wiped the pipes and window and organized our laundry baskets. Boy, that room looks nice!

3. I saved us $300 a year on our car insurance. We really have not looked over our policy since we got it 5 years ago. One of our cars is now 12 years old and has well over 100,000 miles on it.

So, yes, while other one year olds are playing with blocks, my dear little one is "sword fighting" with his older brother. And, he also is quite good with a gun too . . .

The Winner of the $25 Gift Certificate to Lilly Ellen Designs is #21:


Congratulations! Look for an email from me!
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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