It seems as if I have acquired a sous chef in my kitchen. Baby A loves pots and pans. It usually starts even before he eats breakfast. He will crawl right over to the cupboard where the pots and pans are kept, open it, point and make his cute little yell until I pull ALL of the pots and pans out for him. Then he will "ask" for a spatula or large spoon. This keeps him busy for hours (yes, hours!). If he happens to get a piece of food while he is on the floor, he will put it in a pan and pretend to "cook" it like a pancake, flipping it frequently.

The pots and pans stay strewn about the kitchen until his nap time and then come out again after A wakes up. The other day I got so tired of them being out, that, while all of the boys were playing outside, I put the pots and pans away.

Here are my small successes for the week:

1. I finally made doctor's appointments for my husband and I. We have been looking for a new primary care physician and have not had physicals for a while. Today, I called our new doctor and made appointments!

2. I have played tackle games with the boys most days this week. Even Baby A joins in! They LOVE to tackle. No tea parties going on here!

3. I registered for the Columbia Metric Marathon (26.2K/16.2 miles). It is December 6th . . .

Warning, really long post!

Yesterday, I ran in the Marine Corps 10K as a part of the Run for Vocations team for the Archdiocese of Washington. This was my first real race in, well, it was my first real race. I was nervous to run in it. I am not sure why. I had been running well over 6 miles for a while, but to actually run 6.2 miles in a race was a little different. A few days before, I realized that this was a RACE. You know, where you actually try to run faster than you normally do.

Here are my small successes for the week:

1. I got a few of the things done that I mentioned in this post. All of the fall clothes has been neatly put away. I bought, and hung curtains in two rooms; the boy's room and my and my hubby's bedroom. The new curtains are heavier and darker. The boys are now sleeping up to a hour longer than before. They are no longer rising with the sun. Mission accomplished! And, I got to check another one off that list. I bought a camera.

To enter go to the Mom Blogs!


26.2 K

26.2 miles

A metric marathon. A MARATHON. In a post I wrote, what seems like ages ago, I shared that one of my dreams was to run a marathon. At the time I wrote that I had no intentions of actually running a marathon anytime in the near future. But here I am, training for a metric marathon (16.2 miles) and praying about running a MARATHON in March.

Outside my window...

The sun has set, all is dark. Cool air has set in. I love Fall!

I am thinking...Gosh, it has been a loooong time since I have "daybooked".

I am thankful for...

A fun day with my family.

I am wearing...

A black tank top with a cream cardigan and jeans.

I am creating...

Well, there are lots of things I WANT to create, but have not started yet. I need to get the rocking chair cushions re-covered. I have the fabric cut and pinned . . .

I have not had much time for blogging lately. And I am OK with that. I am not ready to stop blogging completely. So, for now, I will write when I can. Since the start of school, we have been busy and I do not find that I have much time to sit at the computer and write anymore. School activities take priority. I have so many things I want to write. So many made in the USA products I want to tell you about. So many drafts of posts in my post box with titles, but no text . . .

OK, it is not really the question for me, but here is a video from Fox News about why NOT to vaccinate for H1N1.

You can also check out this brief article at

Here are my small successes for the week:

1. After months, well, after almost 18 months, I finally went to a physical therapist this week. Since my last c-section, I have had breathing trouble and pain near the incision. After talking to my BIL, who is a doctor, he told me it was probably due to my c-section. He recommended a specific type of physical therapist. I met with her on Monday. She said that my breathing trouble and pain is probably caused by scar tissue.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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