This weekend I ran in a local race, called the Cold Turkey 10K. I signed up for this race shortly after my last 10K. After my last experience, I knew I had a lot to learn about running in a race. I wanted to run in another 10K before the 26.2K so I could work on my pacing and overall running.

Earlier in the week, I woke up with a bad pain in my leg. I have had problems with my left leg, on and off, for a few weeks now, and Wednesday my calf tightened up horribly. I tried to run, thinking that would help, but I had to stop after two miles. For the rest of the day, I was hobbling around. By Friday, it was better, but not 100%, so I was already mentally planning on skipping the race. Saturday, I felt pretty good, but did not think it would be wise for me to run in the 10K.

Here are my small successes for the week:

1. I finally went for my yearly physical (that I have not had in two years) this past Monday. I got my results today and my cholesterol is 44 points LOWER than it was the last time I had it checked! I guess all that exercising and eating right has paid off!

2. The boys and I have prayed a decade of the rosary for priests every morning before starting school.

Outside my window...

It was a beautiful day today! It was warm and sunny. Now, all is dark.

I am thinking...

About the metric marathon coming up in a few weeks. I am NERVOUS!!

I am thankful for...

That my hubby finally got a day off. It was so nice to have him home today.

I am also thankful for our pastor. He gave a great homily yesterday. I am thankful he stands up for the Truth and preaches it too!

I am wearing...

Workout clothes . . . just got back from a run/walk with the boys.

I really cannot leave him alone for a minute. He was so quiet I was wondering where he was. I walk past the bathroom, and this is what I saw . .

He make break his leg trying to get out of the sink, but at least he will have clean teeth!

Then, the next day, I go into the kitchen, and, you guessed it . . .

I, in what seems like another life, used to LOVE to go to daily mass. My day did not seem complete unless I went.

And then I had kids.

When J was a baby, we lived within a 5 minute walk of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. There were several masses there a day, so I was able to work around J's nap schedule and we would head to daily Mass most days. But, as the years passed and the number of children increased, I went to daily mass less and less.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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