First, I am not pregnant! Just want to get that out there before anyone asks. But, I have been spending time reading blogs and forums for pregnant runners . . . did you know that you can run a marathon while pregnant?!?!? And yes, I am addicted to running!

Anyways, back to the purpose of this post. Through my reading, I have found this pregnancy ticker by Prenology and thought it was amazing. If you scroll down on the Prenology website , you can see the images that show up on the pregnancy ticker. What I like about it, is that most of the images are real!

Here is an example:

* To clarify: The group is NOT a pro-life group that makes this ticker.

They say the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem.

Hi, my name is Katie and I am a runner.

I think I have a problem. I have become addicted to running. Now, I never thought this would actually happen to me. I figured I was just too slow to be one of those people who actually "needed" to run. I haven't even run for very long. But, here I am realizing that I may be addicted to running. And the only reason that I think this is because I have withdrawal symptoms.

Since starting to run, I have become a Runner's World fan. I rarely get a magazine subscription unless it is a gift, but I subscribe to Runner's World. And I read it, every issue, cover to cover.

In the magazine, there is a regular feature called the Newbie Chronicles. This past month, the author, Marc Parent, wrote a piece called A Mile in His Shoes. It is a cute story about how his 6-year old son asked to come running with him one morning.

Wouldn't Baby A look so cute in this Joggster X Jogging Stroller with me running behind it? (After my stress fracture heals, of course!) I hope I win!

To enter go to Mom Trends.

Homeschooling can be a challenge. From choosing a curriculum to the daily implementation and teaching, it can be daunting. But, I have found a homeschooling gem in Sonlight.

I am not a teacher by training. I have no idea what books to read my children. I could go into a library and search through books, but, I will be honest, other than the classics like Charlotte's Web and The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe, I do not know what books to choose. I want to read my children quality books.

Since my leg injury, I have had to come up with new ways to exercise. The other day, K looked at me and said,

"Mom, are you going to do Yogurt now?"

"Yogurt, K?"

"Yes, Mommy, yogurt."

"Oh, Do you mean YOGA?"

"Yes, mommy, yogurt."

Yogurt. I never learned that exercise.

Yesterday J was reading and he looked at me and said,

"Mom, I love reading. It is so much better than looking at the pictures!"

I guess maybe I am doing something right.

My friend Sam over at Thy Will Be Done does Movie Review Mondays, so I thought I would join in. This past weekend my husband and I watched Julie & Julia. And, I liked it! It was a cute movie, although my husband thought it was a bit slow moving at first. The movie follows the life of Julia Child as she learns how to cook and how she begins to write her book.

The boys were playing and laughing earlier and I just thought, "Gosh, I am so blessed."

It made me think of the song Beyond Measure by Jeremy Camp. I love this song.

Thanks to Collen at Martin Family Moments, Alyson at Life's Little Miracles, and The Krazy Girl at Hang on Baby Jesus, this is Gonna Get Bumpy for bestowing this award upon me. I have been "awarded" this by these women over the last several months and am finally getting around to posting it.

So, in order to accept it, I need to share 10 honest things about myself and then bestow it upon 7 others.

So here I go:

1. I am a sucker for cheesy romantic comedies. I can watch them again and again.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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