And so it begins. 40 days of fasting and prayer. I am thankful that it is here. My boys even seem ready for it too.

I have pondered and prayed about what to give up, what to do this Lent. A week ago I went to a Mom's night out at this lovely blogger's house. There was a talk about preparing for Lent. And the mom that gave the talk did an amazing job. She reminded us to keep it simple.

So, for this Lent I am trying to keep it simple. I have prayed, a lot about what to do and the first thing I feel drawn to increased prayer (There are others, but those are not the point of this post). There are several things going on with our family, my husband's work, etc that need prayer. And so, first and foremost, I will pray more as we are all called to do.

Wild Olive is a great Christian tee company has designed a Tee called Hope for Haiti. The following is from Wild Olive Tee website:

Please join us in our efforts to raise money to send to those suffering in Haiti. To read more information about our partnership with Eyes Wide Open International, click here.

Buy one ‘Hope’ tee for $24.99, and 100% of the proceeds will go to benefit Haiti through Eyes Wide Open.

A few days ago, I was listening to 91.9 FM WGTS, the local Christian radio station. I heard this song that I had never heard before and I immediately fell in love with the song. I searched and searched to try to figure out what the song was called and who the artist was. When the search failed, I resorted to listening to WGTS every chance I got to see if I would hear it again. And since we have been snowed in, that meant that as soon as school was over, the radio went on.

For us, best Super Bowl moment did not happen on the TV . . .

Yes, there are cars under all that snow!

A drift on the side of our house.

Don't lick the fence Rosie! Your tongue will get stuck!

A drift on our deck. To give you an idea of the amount of snow on the deck, I took this photo while kneeling. Rosie is standing at the top of the drift and the railing you see is the 4 ft high railing of our deck.

We are getting a major storm right now. We have at least 24" on the ground and there are some drifts in our yard that are over 4 ft tall! The snow is still falling, but I thought I would share some photos from earlier this morning.

K in the igloo we built!

Our dog Rosie romping in the snow. She would not go out in it at all until the boys ventured out.

We are a Chick-fil-a family. It is the ONLY fast food restaurant we will go to. We support it because we love the environment there; from everything being CLEAN, to the amazing and friendly service, to the Christian music playing and free food. Plus, it is closed on Sundays.

I LOVE THIS ONE! This recipe comes from the Passionate Homemaking blog. I have copied it here in its entirety. Any modifications I have made from the original recipe, I have highlighted in red.

I have been wanting to share this recipe for a while now. Last night, I went to our computer to download the photos from the camera and then write the post and our computer froze up. It would not respond to ANYTHING, so finally, I shut it off and tried to turn it back on. It would not go back on and smelled like an electrical fire! I think it is fried! So, I am on our laptop and have no way to upload photos.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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