Some parents wait until their children are older until they try to live vicariously through their children, but I guess I get to start now . . .

Ever since I started running two things have happened: (1) My boys want to run with me and they want to run races and (2) After each race, my three year old's first question to me is "Mom, did you win?"

Since I just ran a race this past weekend, the boys have been focused on running. My oldest has been asking to run a race with me for a while and this weekend just renewed his energy to keep on asking. So I have been looking to find a 1 mile fun run that we can do together. While searching this week, I found a kids race that is not too far away. They have a Toddler Trot, a .5 K, 1 K and 2 K for the kids.

This past Sunday, I ran in the GW Parkway Classic 10 mile race. This was my first race since my stress fracture and I was very nervous. In the weeks leading up to the race I began to worry if I could even finish the race. I was running, but really did not know how much my leg and body could take. To put my mind at rest, two weeks ago I ran 10 miles for my long run. I felt great afterwards, so I knew I would be OK.

Tonight, I was putting the finishing touches on dinner. I called the boys to the kitchen. My three year old comes up to me and in an angry tone says, "Mommy you better apologize."

I look at him, a little confused, "Apologize for what, K?"

"For making THAT for dinner!"

. . . I have no words . . .

You are 2 today! I guess I cannot call you Baby much longer! You are a sweet little angel and are a perfect gift from God for our family.

You are a great little brother . . . J and K adore you and so do your mom and dad! You jump right into playing with your brothers as if you were as old as them. It is so cute to watch you try to play light sabers and to try to carry around a toy rifle that is larger than you!

You are my silly little man . . .

Watch this video . . .

(This is a post I wrote almost two years ago! After spending a great deal of time weeding my flower beds, I decided to repost it.)

Lately I have really missed my grandmother. She died 7 years ago and was like a second mother to me. I miss her smile, her bright eyes, the way she would look at you and hug you when you left her house . . . I miss you Grandma.

My grandmother had the most beautiful flower gardens I think I have ever seen.

Our children have been getting a lesson in economics and on taxes lately. My oldest son was saving up money to buy a Bionicle. I took him to the store so that he could see how much it cost. He looked and said, "$12.98, Mom, I am almost there." I then had to explain to him that it would cost more due to tax. This launched a whole lesson in taxes. Since that day, my oldest has been going around the house complaining about taxes.

I feel very blessed. I live in the metro DC area; one of the best areas to homeschool in. We are a short drive away (as long as there is no traffic ;0)from the Capital, numerous museums, historical landmarks, homes of our nation's founding fathers, and many battlefields. But, just two weeks ago, we found a hidden gem: The National Arboretum.

Buffalo Grandma and Grandpa (as K likes to call them) were down for a visit. I was trying to think of a good place to take them.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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