1. This week has been as follows:

Monday: Tennis Lessons for K and J. Followed by swim lessons for J,K and A.

Tuesday: Repeat of Monday

Wednesday: Repeat of Tuesday with some whining here and there. Not too bad though.

Thursday: Repeat of Wednesday, but with a little extra whining and lot of crying from my 4 yr old who needed a nap, but refused to take one.

Friday: Repeat of Monday . . . I think they were all too tired an worn out to cry and whine!

Me: so glad it is Friday! One week of lessons down, one more to go!

2. This week has been strange . . . I have been waking up in the middle of the night lately feeling the need to pray for certain people. I never, usually, wake up in the middle of the night! I hope these prayers are fruitful!


Time: 7:38 PM

Distance: 2.39 miles

Pace: 11.29 min/mile

Thoughts: Tonight I wore my Vibrams for the first time! It was GREAT! I did notice that I had to watch my form a bit more. When you run completely barefoot, you have to, by necessity, watch how you run, or you will feel it immediately. The Vibrams give you just enough protection on your foot, that you do not get the same instant feedback. But, it was . . .

A few weeks ago, our family had the chalice to pray for priests and vocations. For the Year for Priests, our parish had a chalice that was given to a different family for each week of the year. While we had the chalice, we were to have it in a prominent place in the house and we had prayers to pray everyday. We were to pray for all priests and to pray for vocations.

Well, early in the week, my oldest proclaimed that he wanted to be a priest.

1. Look what came to our door yesterday!!

Oh, it felt like Christmas! This was the first year that I did not buy our Sonlight curriculum used. For the last two years, I have purchased the curriculum used, and, although, it did save money, it became frustraing when I could not get books I needed or realized that the new worksheets I had did not match up with the edition of the curriculum I had.

About a week ago, I mentioned that we went to Old Fort Niagara. The weekend we were there, they had an encampment and reenactment of the battle that occurred there during the French and Indian War. The boys, being the soldier and history lovers they are, had a blast. We liked it so much, that we are planning another trip up there in October when they will have a Revolutionary War reenactment.

Well, here are a few pictures I wanted to share from that day.

Here is my herd, all dressed up to attend Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A.

A little over a year ago I was almost 20 lbs heavier that I am today. I wish I could say that it was "baby weight" that I had no lost from baby A yet, but it wasn't. I actually gained weight after having A. Yes, after I had the initial "baby weight" loss, I packed it back on over the following months. You see, I am an emotional eater. I eat when I am happy and I eat when I am stressed, sad or upset. It is dangerous for me to have chocolate bars with almonds in the house.

Day #3

Time: 7:334 PM

Distance: 2.22 miles

Pace: 12:45 min/mile (I stopped to talk to our neighbors who were walking their dogs . . . they were asking about barefoot running).


1. My feet hurt tonight


Run #2

Time: 7:57 Pm

Distance: 1.11 miles

Pace: 12.09 min/mile

Thoughts: Felt good, but I am thinking the whole time I run. Watch out for that. OOh, that hurt. Is this always going to be this hard? I am fighting the urge to just go get my motion control sneakers on and really pick up the pace. In some ways I feel like I am starting all over again. Low mileage and slow. Except, when I come back from a run I still have tons of energy left.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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