While going through the photos of my in-laws 50th Anniversary celebration and our trip to Cape Cod, I noticed one thing; most adults and children were similing nicely, except for one. K.

Into a school room!

This one is more of a nice, gentle, reminder for me and not for the boys!

I am not one for clutter in our home. But, I felt like we needed a little "something" in our "school room" to make it feel more like our school and less like our kitchen. I dream of the day when I can have a "school room" in our home, but for now our kitchen does just fine. And, all of my Dollar Store finds have started to work toward their purpose.

We just got back from our annual vacation to Cape Cod. So, in honor of our vacation, I have decided to do a "top 10 post of why I love Cape Cod."

1. Its quaintness. I love the old homes, the beautiful flower gardens that surround so many of the older homes. And, even if it is a new home, it is built with the same quaintness. There are general stores, and small little shops all over. I felt like I was in an old, New England town. Oh, wait, I was!

2. The weather.

As I have mentioned before, I love romantic comedies. And, I love Return to Me. It is an older movie, so you may have seen it. If you have, it is worth watching again. If you have not, go rent it, get it from Netflix, or see if your local library has it.

I will not tell you anything about the story line, because it will ruin it.

Today's Run

Time: 7 AM . . . woke up way too late this AM!

Pace: 10:42 min/mile

Distance: 3.17 miles

Thoughts: This was my fastest barefoot run to date. I can feel my form remaining solid throughout my runs now which is so nice. And because of that, I can also feel my body wanting to go a little further and push a little harder. I would LOVE to, but know I really need to take it slow and easy.

I have kept the boys hair short. J and K look like they could be Marines. But, A? Not baby A. There was something about his cute blonde curls that I could not part with . . . until now. After being mistaken for a girl, several times over the past few weeks, I decided A needed a hair cut.

The before . . .

and after . . .

I have not logged my runs in a while. Some runs I have not kept track of because J has been running with me. He wants to run a 5K with me!! So cute!

Last Saturday:

Time: 8:00AM

Distance: 5 miles

Pace: 12:38 min/miles

Thoughts: It was about 95 degrees outside and very humid. This was my longest run to date barefoot. I was doing great for a while, but the heat really got to me and I had to walk for a while. Hence, the pace.

This is what we have been doing for the last two weeks . . .
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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