While visiting Grandma and Grandpa and waiting for our van's transmission to get rebuilt, we headed to Becker Farm.  The boys had fun in the corn maze, slingshoting corn cobs into a pond, running along bales of hay, going for a hayride, and riding on ponies!!  We intended to go apple picking, but there was so much to do there, that we never made it to the orchard . . .

A Woman's Place is giving away this beautiful necklace.

Yes, we went to another reenactment at Old Fort Niagara while in Buffalo visiting Grandma and Grandpa.

I just found this downloadable coloring book from Relevant Radio and had to share.  The Saint coloring pages are great and each comes with a brief description of the Saint. 

A couple of other places to find great coloring pages, etc are: Catholic Heritage Curricula's Free Curricula Page and Waltzing Matilda blog.

Picked via random.org #16:

Anonymous said...

"You know well that Our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them."

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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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