28. A great Thanksgiving with family

29.  A wonderful evening at Medieval Times with my men

30. A waving his knight's flag with excitement

31. K yelling when our knight knocked the other knight off his horse

32. J watching so intently that he did not even eat

33. The smile on my husband's face

34. Lighting the Advent wreath

35. Running 12 miles

36. For my husband that makes it possible for me to run


Thanksgiving is over, Advent starts in two days.  And, although our Christmas tree will not go up for a little yet, I am starting my Christmas prep.  The main thing I am thinking about right  now . . . Christmas Cards.  Over the years we have changed from standard Christmas card, to a Christmas card with a Christmas letter, to a card with a letter and a photo, and now I just send A Christmas photo card.  They are beautiful and easy.

GMO stands for genetically modified organism and many foods contain GMO's.  Here is a funny song about saying no to GMO's.  For further information on GMO's and the food industry in general, I highly recommend watching Food, INC.

Happy birthday sweetie!  You are the most amazing husband and a great father too!  Thank you  for loving me and the boys so well!  Happy Birthday!

This must be my 2 year-old's motto.  This Sunday, at brunch, my 2 yr old and 7 yr old were sitting next to each other.  My 2 yr old had something on his forehead. So, my 7 yr old, the loving and caring brother that he is, saw the thing on A's forehead and wiped it off. 

Now, what did J get for his kindness? 

A did not waste a moment.

Did you know that November is National Adoption Month?  Did you know that today is National Adoption Day? 

Please pray today and the rest of this month for those children around the world who do not have families of their own and who are seeking to be a part of a loving family.  And pray for those families who are called to welcome these children into their homes as one of them.

1. 2 out of 3 kiddos are sick.  Fever, stomach bug. The house is quiet because currently all my children are napping!  I hope they feel better soon. I love looking at them while they are sleeping, but I hate to see them sick.

2. And since they are sick, I went to co-op by myself today.  It was weird.  I had to teach the art class and then came home.  I felt like I did not belong because my boys weren't with me.


I love children's Christmas books.  Shorty after Thanksgiving, I head to the library and bring home a large bag full of our Christmas classics.  I read them to the boys over and over again during the weeks of Advent.

But, I am always in search of new books that we can add to our list.  That is why I was so happy to get a chance to review a newly released book called Little Star by Anthony DeStefano.

The 10 Point Manifesto of Joyful Parenting is from a Holy Experience.  You can go here to print it out.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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