I have been trying to formulate these for a few weeks now.  And my goals for the new year span many different areas. So here we go:

1. Daily prayer time in the morning. 

Last year, at a Holy Hour, the priest mentioned 7 Daily Habits for a better spiritual life (from St Jose Maria Escriva) :

1. Morning Offering

2. Spiritual Reading/ Scripture Reading 15 minutes a day (12 min spiritual reading/ 3 min Scripture reading)

3. Holy Mass

4. Recitation of Angelus or Regina Coeli (Easter)

5. Rosary

6. 15 min mental prayer

7. Examination of Conscience at end of day

So, my plan is to, by the end of the year, do all 7 of these each day, with the exception of daily mass.  The boys and I will go to daily mass once a week.

At the beginning of this year I wrote this post about my goals for the year. Since we are coming to the end of 2011 and 2012 will be quickly upon us, I want to review how I did this year with my goals:

1. Pray more. Pray the divine office every morning. There is something about the rhythm of the Divine office that I need and crave right now.

~ We got a subscription to Magnificat which helped tons with this.  I started most days with the Magnificat and daily mass readings.


From our family to yours! May you have a blessed Christmas Season!

is my two front teeth!  My oldest can sing this one this year!!


A word that has surrounded me this Advent.  In a conversation. In mass readings.

I rejoice heartily in the LORD,

in my God is the joy of my soul,

Isiah 61:10

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;

my spirit rejoices in God my Savior

Luke 1:46

Brothers and sisters:

Rejoice always.

1 Thes 5:16

I will stand at my watch

and station myself on the ramparts;

I will look to see what he will say to me,

and what answer I am to give to this complaint.

I think God is trying to drive home a lesson to me this Christmas season.

Like so many others, we live in a home. We purchased this house several years ago.  My dream home? Far from it.  Although it is big enough for us, it often feels small and cramped.  There is strange stucco on the walls in the hall way. Paneling in too many rooms to admit to.  A powder pink bathroom with wall paper.  Metal kitchen cabinets with fake wood paneling.  And a kitchen floor that is peeling up everywhere.

'Come, you who are blessed by my Father.

Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

I have several posts in the works for this week.  If I get time to actually sit down and write, you may see them.  But for now, I need to write about running.  More for myself than anyone else.  So, feel free to skip this post if you want.

Since running the Annapolis Half Marathon about a month ago, I have hit a slight slump and snag in my running.  Between travelling for Thanksgiving and trying to rest my IT band, I really did not run much.

1. I am married to a doctor!

My husband is now a Doctor. (D. Min.) I am so proud of him and this totally deserved a whole post onto itself.  He has worked so hard over the past 8 years juggling the doctorate program and work and family life.  He was selfless in all of it and always put the family first.  We have enjoyed the last few days.  We have just sat around and talked at night because we could, he did not need to study anymore! I have been calling him Dr. everyday.

If any of you read my blog even somewhat regularly, you may know, or at least guess, that we are pursuing adoption.  We have not started the stacks of paperwork yet. No home study.  No background checks. Nothing yet. We have been waiting until my husband defends his dissertation (which he does on Monday . . . please say a prayer for him!).  But, there is a folder stacked with agency information.  Plans made. We are just waiting.

But, several weeks ago a possibility came our way.
About Me
About Me
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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