OK, not only is it so awesome that this nun is in full habit, but she EXUDES JOY! 

The above picture comes from the 2nd Annual Nun Run Page which is an event of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration.   Go to the Joy Filled Family Blog to learn how you can be a part of a virtual team for this race.  They have great prizes for the speedy virtual racers!

I have joined the Joy Filled Family Blog on her team All For! to run this race! Won't you join us?


I am far from the finish line.

But I am on CHRIST'S TEAM.

His love ignites me.

...His power fuels me.

His mission compels me.


and to this race.

I will run STRONG and run LONG.

And the winner is, thanks to random.org  . . .

Comment #1:

Tina Fisher said...

If I could be so lucky! I follow and I happened to be at Dayspring the other day to eye the Mr & Mrs Collection. For some reason those coffee mugs really struck my fancy!

I will email you! Congrats.

This weekend was my son's Cub Scout Pack's Pinewood Derby.  For those who do not know what it is, each cub scout starts with an official pinewood derby car kit and has to make a car out of it.  The cars are raced down a wooden track and the fastest car wins.  The cars are gravity driven. 

This was my son's first year in cub scouts and his first derby.  We had no idea all the ins and outs of building a fast car.  We let him choose the design, color, etc and he painted it.

146. a new pencil sharpener

147. nicely sharpened pencils

148. K reading to A

149. large redheaded woodpecker spotted by K

150. a boy who wants to copy the Declaration of Independence

151. for realizing the wonders of nature right in our own backyard

152. hearing my 4 year old teach my 2 year old his letters

153. K cups from freecycle

154. how the boys run from wherever they are when "our song" comes on the radio

155. a nightly report :)

156. a friend who watched the boys


1.  Last week I mentioned we had some exciting news.  Well, my husband got a new job!  He will no longer be working for the Archdiocese of Washington, but now for the Church on the national level.  I am so proud of him.  If you know us and know anything about the Church and what would be at the national level, you can search for the press release.

Training for a marathon has taught me many things so far.  I think that is why God has allowed me to get to this point uninjured.  I am growing spiritually and in so many other ways.

One way is as a homeschooling mom.  I have not be a big lover of repetition.  Counting, addition, subtraction . . . all done over and over again, just to make sure the child has them "down" . . . um, no thanks.  I saw it as boring.

We live in an amazing community.  Our parish priest is incredible.  He is a strong, faithful priest who serves our parish so beautifully.  He gives incredible, prayerful homilies that urge those who hear them to draw closer to Christ and to grow in their love for the Church. 

A younger priest in our town, at a parish just a few miles down the street from our parish, started Holy Hours for women twice a month and for men once a month.

I do not buy a lot of jewelry.  I typically have the same earrings and rings on everyday.  The one thing I do change, is my necklace.  I love necklaces to make a statement and share a bit of who I am and what I love.  So I was so happy when I got the opportunity to  review the God's Heart for You Necklace from (in)courage which is a website and blog from DaySpirng. 

The necklace is inscribed with the words words created, chosen, celebrated, and cherished.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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