My youngest is a passionate, strong willed, independent boy.  You can read in to that first sentence.    He can be a complete joy and a complete challenge.  There are days he can bring me to my knees.  As tough as he can be, I love this toughness about him, just not all the time.

Taking him in public can be tricky. He can be perfectly well behaved, or perfectly awful.  Last week Friday, we were finishing up or last errand to get ready for Irene.  We had been to the store, the bike shop, the bank, and the library.  We were at our second library of the day and my youngest was done.  I purposefully put him in a stroller because I knew how this trip would go. He had already been a handful at the store and the other library.

Forced Evacuation: This is a forced evacuation of the XXXXXX household. All household members under the age of 30 MUST evacuate the house and remain outside until authorities say it is safe to return inside. This forced evacuation is in an effort to mitigate the stir-craziness that is bound to occur due to the impending house arrest caused by Irene. This evacuation must be taken seriously.

1. Earthquake

We live about 15 miles outside of DC, so we felt the earthquake.  All of the boys were in the living room and I was, ironically, checking the Annapolis Striders website to see if they had info about the Annapolis 10 miler race this weekend and how it may be affected by another natural disaster, Irene, and the house began to shake and I heard a rumble.  I thought it was just a large truck of some kind coming down the road.  I got up and started walking toward the front window.

This is what family is all about  . . . .

Two years ago I ran my first 5K.  Well, it really was not my first 5K, but my first 5K since having kids.  Before having kids I had dreams of being a runner, but I really was a fair weather runner.  I would run when conditions were perfect and when I started to sweat, I began to walk.

That all changed two years ago.  I got this idea stuck in my head that I wanted to run the MCM 10K for the Run for Vocations in October 2009. I needed to train.

1. Busy, Busy, Busy

As you can tell I have not blogged much lately.  Between trying to get our kitchen remodel wrapped up so it can start, getting ready to start homeschooling again, reading and praying about adoption, and running, I have not had much time to write.  The days have been busy with fun and other things and computer time has been limited.

2.  Running and matters of the heart . . .

I have not been running as much as I would like lately.  I am going slower and at reduced mileage.

Did you know . . .

~ There are 4.3 million orphans in Ethiopia alone

~ There are close to 100,000 orphans in the Ukraine

~ Many children around the world are social orphans, given up due to poverty, illness, or other

As you can tell, I have been reading a lot about orphans lately. After a lot of prayer, we have decided to begin the adoption process.

The food you eat each day can heal you, or it can kill you.  It is more powerful than most people realize. Choose wisely what you eat.            ~ Bill Phillips

This quote is so true and profound.  I try to remember this each time I make food choices.

I am very behind in posting these.  I hope to get more frequent with posting them.  Because, when I post frequently, I tend to write more down each day, each week.

1. Had my echocardiogram yesterday. The tech, even though she did not say much of anything, did let it slip that it looked fine.  I will get the full results in a few days. I am glad that all will probably come back clear, but it does not give me any answers as to why I am having chest pains or how to get rid of them.

2.  The excessive heat the last few weeks, I think, has killed my squash plants.  The leaves have slowly yellowed and parts are dead.
About Me
About Me
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
"Let Us Begin" Fundraiser Shop
"Let Us Begin" Fundraiser Shop
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