Male movie stars may spend hours of time (and a lot of money) to get this look, but all my boy needs is a little sweat and dirt (and mom to run her fingers though his hair) to get the "just got out of bed" look.

Won't be blogging much in the up coming weeks.  I broke my thumb while trying to get our double jogging stroller ready for a family run.  I am finding that most tasks are taking me a bit longer, including typing.  So, for now, I will not be blogging much. 

But, I have lots to share . . . pictures from our trip to Williamsburg, J and I running a 5K together, homeschooling, and my running goals.

I do not get on a soapbox often. At least, not on my blog.  I started the blog to journal about our family life so family members who live far away can see what goes on in our daily life.  But today, I am upset enough to get on my soapbox.  Indulge me.

This morning, I received an email from a friend that stated everyone should watch this video.  Please click play.

I cried while watching the video.

1. We started school this Wednesday.  I had been pretty stressed about starting again and had not slept well since we came back from vacation.  But the first three days of school went well.

2.  I have instituted a formal system of bribery in our school.  The boys earn Monopoly Money for various school work (doing extra work or reading, getting 100% on  a test, knowing the answers to questions when I ask, good handwiritng, etc, etc).

Tractor Rides with Grandpa

A day at Beaver Island State Park

War of 1812 Re-enactment at Old Fort Niagara
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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