I am not much of a TV watcher, but I love a good movie.  My favorites tend to be ones that I can watch over and over again.  If I have tons of laundry to fold and want to watch a movie, I can guarantee that one of the movies listed below will be the first to be chosen.  Go to the library to pick a movie?  If one of the movies on this list is in, it will come home with me.

So here are the top 10 movies I can watch again and again:

1. Pride and Prejudice (BBC Version)  Who cannot love Darcy and Elizabeth?  And even though I have seen this movie more times that I want to admit, and I obviously know how it ends, I cannot wait to see if Darcy and Elizabeth get together!

2. Persuasion (The newer BBC version).  Also a Jane Austen book.  And it may actually me my FAVORITE Jane Austen book.

I do not like thinking about Christmas until Advent. And, I really, really do not like seeing Christmas decorations up already in stores.  But thanks to Shutterfly, I AM thinking about Christmas cards already.  I wish I could say I have the card chosen and designed, but I do not.  No great photos from family vacations from this year to use, like we used on our Christmas card from Shutterfly last year:

But, what I do know is that I will be getting my cards from Shutterfly again this year.

1. Back to Blogging

I have stopped wearing the splint on my thumb.  I still cannot use it much, as it hurts when I do, but it has a bit more mobility, so I feel like I can type without "hunting and pecking."

2. Back to work in the kitchen

I started our minor kitchen re-do in September, about one week before I broke my thumb.  Now, over a month later, only one set of cabinets has been painted and two others are bare, with the doors off.  But not much longer.

My boys singing "Holy and Anointed One"

I am not one to decorate for Halloween, but after my 5 yr old begged for a spider web on our house, I acquiesced.

I am not defined by the house I live in.

I am not defined by the clothes I wear.

I am not defined by the number of miles I run or how fast I run them.

I am not defined by what time I get up in the morning or go to bed at night.

I am not defined by the homeschool curriculum I use or the grade level my children work at.

I am not defined by the number of kids I have.  Or don't have.

The only thing that tells me who I am is Life in Christ.

His life.

His love.

His blood out poured for me.

Your children work diligently to get their school work done quickly so they can spend the afternoon at the archery range!

(No pictures of K shooting the bow and arrow.

Earlier this week, I was taking laundry into the bedroom and this was on my pillow . . .

It is from my oldest son.  He wrote it and slipped quietly into my bedroom while I was helping his brothers with handwriting.  It was not prompted by my husband.  I love moments like this.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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