This past weekend I ran the Inaugural Annapolis Half Marathon.  When I first signed up for this race, my plan was to go for a PR and a sub-2 hour half.  About three weeks ago, my IT band started to feel sore again, so I scaled back my runs.  At the first sign of IT band trouble in a run, I would stop running and would cross train.  So, I dropped the idea of a sub- 2 half, and just went for a PR.

The race was supposed to begin a 7AM.  I live about 1/2 hr away from the race start and I planned on getting to the race about 45 min ahead of time.  Well, I got stuck in traffic.  The exit was all backed up and it was stop and crawl to get into the parking lot for the race.  It took me an hour and 15 min to get to the race and I got out of my car at 6:58 AM.

Sorry this is late, but the three winners are:

Amy @ Raising Angels

Joy @ Joy in the Morning

Maurisa @ Half A Dozen and More Productions

Ladies, check your email, the code with be waiting for you!

For the last several weeks, I have been potty training my 3 1/2 yr old.  He has been reluctant to say the least.  The first week, he would say, "No underwear, Mommy. I wear diapers."  He would even go so far as to get a diaper and put it on himself.  But, after a great deal of persistence, he would put on his Thomas the Tank Engine Underwear and go on the potty.

The only problem.  He REFUSED to go #2 on the potty. So, for the past two weeks, I have consistently had to clean messy underwear.

. . . your kids are watching a video about the tropical rain forest.  The video talks about the rain forest getting cut down and the crops that grow there. Coffee.

Italian Wedding Soup has become a favorite in our family.  It is fairly easy to make the whole family enjoys it.  It is perfect for cold fall nights.  I have adapted this recipe from to make it a bit more healthy.

Time alone. A sense of satisfaction.  Setting goals and working to obtain them. Having fun.  A great time for reflection a prayer.

These are all reasons I like to run.  I feel good when I run.  But the other week I was reminded of the REAL reason I run.  The real reason to run.

Two weeks ago, I finally had my stress test to rule out a heart issue.  The stress test was a "vitality test" that not only monitored the heart, but my breathing and oxygen consumption as well.

Sunday is Orphan Sunday.  Please pray for all the orphans around the world.

Orphan Sunday 2011 from Christian Alliance for Orphans on Vimeo.

I had to share this recipe.  This recipe is adapted from the Sweet Potato Muffin recipe from Runner's World Magazine.  I made these and everyone in the family LOVED them.  They really are light and fluffy.

A nice reminder when I am stressing about cleaning the house.

This post is a month in the making.  In September, we went to Williamsburg for three days during Williamsburg's and Jamestown's homeschool weeks.  This time we went to Jamestown Settlement, Yorktown Victory Center, and Yorktown battlefield.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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