I have not blogged these in two weeks, but my list in my journal has grown. So, here is the accumulation of almost two week's worth of gifts!

459. snow covered trees

460. big fluffy flakes

461.seeing the big, full moon rise

462. an unexpected show

463. finding a treadmill on craigslist

464. a surprisingly orderly home even though 2 boys have the stomach bug

465. a week in which we are forced to slow down due to illness

466. so many awesome runs on my new treadmill

467. fresh veggies, bowls full

468. having a heart ache for prphans and a strong desire to adopt

469. our warm comfy, blue, blanket

470. my comfy 147 Million Orphans shirt

471. warm fleece pj's

472. the Canticle of Simeon

473. boy rebuilding their fort

474. the laughter of my boys


1. Our dog has gotten into the bad habit of circling the table once the boys are done with their meals.  And, she has been caught, putting her front feet on the table and grabbing food off! Today, my oldest left the lunch table before he was done and came back and his plate was empty . . . Rosie struck again.

2. Last night was the first meeting of a Women's Book Club at my house.  We are reading One Thousand Gifts.

I just wanted to share that Created for Care, a group that runs retreats for adoptive moms and is passionate about helping children throughout the world, is selling many items to defray costs for their retreats.

This past weekend we went to a book party for a priest friend who had his second book Living the Beatitudes:A Journey to Life in Christ   published last fall.  The party was hosted by another Catholic author.  And, after the cake was cut and people were sitting quietly, the host of the party began to speak.  He began to talk about how great this book is and how insightful so much of it is.  Then he began to share quotes from it.

So happy to have a treadmill at the house now!

440. playing times attack with my boy

441. the knocking sound of a large woodpecker

442. creating more practical space

443.school books ever present

444.fife and drum lessons

445. finding the perfect fife instructor for J

446. kind emails

447. light streaming on the kitchen table and fun with shadows

448. slowing down

449. sun shining

450. beautiful weather

451. the "chiks" of Team Tough Chik

452. little boy play

453. a January day that is too nice to be inside


1.  This week has been a rough school week.  Both the boys and I have had a hard time getting back on track after having a week off.  I am so glad to be back to our normal routine and will be happy when we have settled back in.

2. Gluten Free Experiment - I am almost done with my first week of going gluten free.  I thought I would crave bread this week, but I have not and it has been much easier than I thought.  I have also had virtually no sugar this week either.

I have gotten emails about it . . . seen other bloggers mentioned that they are a part of the team . . . checked it out myself and finally, last week, I decided to join this amazing team:

I am now a member of Team Tough Chik!

And I am excited!  I get to meet, encourage and hang out with some amazing runners and I get to help promote a great company with a great purpose in supporting women.

Getting back to One Thousand Gifts . . .

This list is short and sweet as it is starting over, but counting on . . .

430.  "one man's trash . . . ": getting a needed item for our kitchen face lift to work

431. my gym membership

432. getting to run again

434. brothers who love each other so much

435. a fun New Year's Eve celebration

436. a great start to 2012

437. prayer with relatives

438. prayer with my hubby

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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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