An Open Letter to Jeff Galloway
I am writing you today to tell you thank you for developing the run/walk method.
I started running in 2009 and have been plagued with injuries. Last April I ran my first marathon. Fearful of another stress fracture, I thought the Jeff Galloway method would be the only way I could get to the start, and finish line, uninjured. And, although I had some IT band issues while training, I was able to complete my first marathon with no injuries other than being sore.
Lenten Plans
- Prayer: At the start of the school day the boys and I will light the Way of Light Wreath that is pictured above and can been seen at Ann Voskamp's blog.
The Never Ending Derby
We got to the Derby about 30 min early to get the cars checked in (K and A had made cars to enter into the Open class). We got the cars cheked in and anxiously waited for the derby to start.
7 Quick Takes
2. And, I have never been one that wants to stand out.
Wordless Wednesday: It is Almost Derby Time!!!
Law of Diminishing Returns
In economics, diminishing returns (also called diminishing marginal returns) is the decrease in the marginal (per-unit) output of a production process as the amount of a single factor of production is increased, while the amounts of all other factors of production stay constant. (from Wikipedia)
And, as much as I would like it not to, it applies to my running as well.
Join the Mamma Support Swap at The Big White Farm House
Our trip to Patuxent Wild Life Refuge and the list that keeps on growing
521. Capturing beauty so close, while trying to capture the beauty that is far
High Cloud Snapple Half Marathon Race Recap
I have wanted to do this race for the last two years, since it started, but have not. I love winter running and running a half in January seemed like perfect sense to me.
If you had read my 7 Quick Takes from last week, you would know that I was no really "feeling it" for this race. I had no goal in mind.