Seven Quick Takes - The what's next edition and some added randomness
I have never purchased race pictures before, but caved this time . . .
I love the pictures with my boy!!
2. I have taken the last two weeks fairly easy. Letting my body rest and formulating a plan.
My plan:
- Running down to 3 or 4 days a week, adding speed work
- Cross training with a combination of Chalean Extreme and Insanity, and hitting the gym until I get rid of my membership
I have The Iron Girl Columbia Half Marathon and the Frederick Half Marathon one week a part from each other in a month. I would love to PR at one, but we will see how my body feels. It seemed like it took me months to recover from my last marathon. So far I feel great running and am getting back up to speed.
3. Speaking of speed . . . I want to get faster.