1. Race pictures . . .

I have never purchased race pictures before, but caved this time . . .

I love the pictures with my boy!! 

2.  I have taken the last two weeks fairly easy.  Letting my body rest and formulating a plan.

My plan:

- Running down to 3 or 4 days a week, adding speed work

- Cross training with a combination of Chalean Extreme and Insanity, and hitting the gym until I get rid of my membership

I have The Iron Girl Columbia Half Marathon and the Frederick Half Marathon one week a part from each other in a month.  I would love to PR at one, but we will see how my body feels.  It seemed like it took me months to recover from my last marathon. So far I feel great running and am getting back up to speed.

3. Speaking of speed . . . I want to get faster.

1. Never say never (or at least, not again) - I said that. I said that the Shamrock Marathon would be my last.  I was wrong.  I had too much fun.  I am fighting the urge to find another one to run next Spring.  But, I promised my hubby that I won't.  Right now I am thinking 2014 may be a good year to run marathon #3.

2. I cannot wear shorts for a few more weeks.  I have the geekiest "runner's tan."  See this picture . . .

and this picture . . .

Now imagine the strange tan lines I have.

So, yes, Sunday I ran the Shamrock Marathon in VA beach. I went into the race weekend fairly relaxed.  I was, surprisingly, not that nervous about the race.  Unlike, my first marathon. Saturday, I walked all over with my family, ate well and stayed very hydrated.  I felt like I was doing everything I could to have a good race on Sunday.

I had no definite time goal or pace plan until Saturday either.  I really just wanted to PR, which I did not think would be hard to do.

This past weekend we headed down to Virginia Beach for the Shamrock Marathon and a little fun too!  And, boy did we have lots of fun while we were there!

We headed down Friday afternoon.  It ended up taking us about an hour and a half longer due to traffic.  Gotta love the metro DC area!  We went straight to the Shamrock Marathon Packet Pick up and expo and then went to our hotel.  The boys were so excited about the weekend.

Does it seem that you mysteriously have less knives in your silverware drawer?

Are some of your large spoons and kitchen utensils missing?

Check your boys' favorite dirt hole in your backyard.  You will find them there.

Chicken wings are named after weapons.

(overheard at out dinner table tonight)

"Mom, can I trade in my club for a pistol?, " asks my 5 year old.

So, it is race week.  Taper madness is in full swing and I am stressed, nervous and anxious.  Yes, it is race week and I am exhibiting all of the signs below!

1.  Your runs have become so short and you are running so little that you seriously doubt your ability to run anything more than a 10K.

2. You visit weather.com more than any other website.  You know the race city's 10-day forecast by heart and you notice when it changes, hourly.


The St. Joseph Novena starts today and goes until St Joseph's Feast Day, March 19th.  Check out the Novena prayer here and pray it with me.

St. Joseph, pray for us.

Slow is the New Fast and Cute Running Shirts are teaming up and giving away this Run Luck running tee . .

Perfect for anyone running a Shamrock run for St. Patrick's Day!  Hurry on over to Slow is the New Fast because the giveaway ends Monday (so you can have it by St.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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