Seven Quick Takes
My husband has been very busy at work lately. He goes in early, comes home late. And when he is home, he is usually pouring over budget spreadsheets from work. I feel like I have not seen him much. I will be so glad when the budgets are done, the planning process done and June meetings over. He is working so hard!
2. I have taken more days off from working out/running in the last three weeks than I have in over three years.
Hanging up my running shoes
I ran on Tuesday.
Kitchen Redo(ne)!
Hubby's graduation day!!
In typical fashion for us, we got there just in time. I dropped my husband and his parents off in front of the Shrine and then headed, with the boys, to search for a parking spot.
The answer to unanswered prayers
But recently something happened fairly close to me that is a regular reminder that my prayer continues to go unanswered. And it hurts. There have been moments I have wondered if the prayer is even getting heard. If HE knows how much I want this prayer answered.
While in prayer the past month, the word ENOUGH kept on coming up.
Seven Quick Takes
I think I am going to start a feature on my blog. On a regular basis, I would like to share about an adoption agency, a family adopting, or an organization that works with orphans. This week I would like to share Little Flower Projects. This is a group that has several homes in China. They serve special needs orphans (mostly) who need extra care and attention due to medical conditions. I found this group through a friend on Facebook.
Frederick Half Marthon Race Recap
Seven Quick Takes
2. Busy. Busy. Busy. My hubby officially graduates with his doctorate next weekend.
Columbia Iron Girl Half Race Recap and a few revelations
The week before the race, I had limited expectations. Months ago, I had grand plans of a sub-two hour half. But that quickly changed. A week before the race, I decided I just wanted to run well. And that changed even the week of.