1. I have a good reason for posting late today.  We were at the pool from 8AM until 2 PM.  Yes, 6 hours!  We started at the tennis courts for 2 hours worth of lessons and then headed to the pool for lessons and fun.  It is hot today and the pool water was nice and refreshing.  The boys had lots of fun and so did I!  I bet they will fall asleep quickly tonight!

2.  Olympics!!  I canto wait for them to start today!  I cannot wait to watch the men's and women's marathons!  Go Ryan Hall!! Want to know why I like him so much?  Read this article or watch the video. He calls God his coach. He is an amazing christian and he and his wife started the Steps Foundation. I really hope he medals in London.  My favorite woman marathoner?  Shalane Flanagan.


I shared this on Facebook last week, but it is just too good, not to post here. 

Boys, please read carefully! Love, your, mom.

If you have a younger child, you have probably heard of the Pete the Cat books. There are several; I Love My White Shoes, Rocking in My School Shoes, and Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons. Watch the below video if you have never heard of Pete the Cat. I bet you will be signing along by the end.

And if you liked that go here and here for the other two! No, really, you have to watch them!!

To give you a synopsis of all of the books, basically things happen to Pete.

I love peanut butter.  I really love it.  I used to eat it, by the spoonfuls, out of the jar.  I love ice cream with peanut butter in it.  Yum.  I love chocolate covered peanut butter.  My favorite are the Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs that come out at Easter time, you know, because they have more peanut butter than the Peanut Butter Cups.

So, I was very excited, when I stumbled upon Bell Plantation PB2 Powdered peanut butter and cholcate powdered peanut butter.

I am totally shocked, as my blog has never been featured anywhere, but someone must have thought my kitchen remodel post was worthy enough to feature on the Remodel Aholic blog!!  Go check this post out!

1. Yay! It is Friday!! That means I do not have to be at the pool or tennis courts way too early for the next two days!!  Yes, the boys are nearing the end of the swim team, tennis lesson, and swim lesson cycle.  It is tiring! One more week and we will be done!

2.  J had his last swim meet this past Tuesday.  He just started swim team this summer, and joined weeks late, so he did not make the A team.

I will not share too many words here.  But want to post some of our vacation photos before I forget we even went!

While on vacation in Cape Cod, my husband's aunt, who lived the Boston area, passed away.  So while we were up there, J wanted to see Lexington green.  It was a nice little trip, although there was not tons to see there.  The green is situated between several very busy roads.  Some of the homes surrounding the green were there during the battle.  There were a few monuments.

For a dear friend and amazing blogger.  Short story: she is 17 weeks pregnant and her water broke.  She is on complete bed rest.  To read the rest go to her blog.

If you are anything like me, you typically remember that a Novena has started a day late (or read it on someone else's blog that it started) and then, at about day 6, you forget what day you were on.

Well, thanks to another blogger, I found this great website called Pray More Novenas.

Weight loss challenge.

I am on week 4 of Run With Jess' Lose a Half Marathon Challenge and, as of today I have lost 0, yes that is a zero, pounds.  Over the last few weeks my weight has fluctuated here and there (up a little on vacation, but right back to my starting weight one day after being home and fully hydrating), but overall it has stayed consistently at where I was this AM.  Which means, something has not been working.

I had totally revamped my diet.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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