It seems our house has been hit by the plague . . . of crickets.  They are everywhere. In the kitchen. In the bathroom.  And they LOVE our laundry room.  One can see about 5 of these bugs in the laundry room each time it is entered.

And they especially love trying to keep me up at night by "singing" all night long.  I am tired of it.  And I am just plain tired because they keep me up!

So we have proclaimed war on these little insects.  No St. Francis mentality here.  I want them dead.  Really dead. Just to make sure they cannot keep me up anymore.  And although they can be elusive, we have won many battles.  Shoes have been thrown. Some miss. Some hit the target dead on.

How many times are we told not to fear in scripture? Many.  We are not to be afraid. And, I just love this new ring from Sporty Girl Jewelry. 

The outside says . . .

I am not afraid

The inside says . . .

I was born to do this

This quote is taken from something St. Joan of Arc said.  Now, while the quote is meant to inspire runners and triathletes, etc to run far and work hard, it has hit me in all aspects of my life right now.

In all things, God tells us to Fear Not.

If you have not had a chance yet, please donate and register for the Run for the Little Flowers Virtual 5K and do not forget to check out the great giveaway items!  All registrants will be entered in the giveaway!

Now, onto the most important thing, the work Little Flower Projects does:

From their website:

Little Flower Projects is an outreach of China Little Flower, Inc -- a 501c(3) nonprofit organization registered in the USA.

Thanks for hosting, Jen!

1. Planning Sheets

2. Messy kitchen school table

3. Why, yes, that is my 4 year old sitting ON the table.

4. My fourth grader working hard.

5. I must have been transported to an alternate universe . . . my oldest son told me he wanted to set goals for himself for school!  I think I like this new universe!

6. Spelling lists

7. A very unflattering picture me and my ever photogenic son while working on math.

Please note: This post can ALWAYS be found on the tab bar above!

Here is the post you have all been waiting for!! 

We have had some GREAT companies offer to be sponsors for this fundraiser and I feel so blessed by their generosity!

So far, the giveaway items include:

1. A Super Cute Tech-Tee Shirt from Bia Won by Londa!

2. 147 Million Orphans. Pick Me V neck tee, size small.

3. 147 Million Orphans Around the World tee. Unisex Large. Won by April B.!


Have you ever wondered what would be on the soundtrack from the movie that is made about your life?  I have.  Well,not really.  But, I have wondered what songs I would put on the CD called "The Soundtrack of My Life"

Well, here is my list from my life this far . . .

1. I Want to Hold Your Hand by The Beatles.

My aunt and parents are huge Beatles fans.  And I remember growing up hearing all of their songs.

Thanks for hosting Jen!

1. Run for the Little Flowers Virtual 5K fundraiser

This is just one of the little orphans you will be helping by registering for this race!  Read more here and then sign up!

2.  Wipeout in my living room

Ever seen the show Wipeout? 

Well, my boys LOVE it!  And, earlier this week, when I came into the living room, I noticed all the cushions, from every piece of furniture that has removable cushions, on the living room floor.

**** UPDATE***

As of 10/21/2012:

The run is now over.  Thank you to all who participated!!  I will be updating this post soon with details about this year's run and information about the 2nd Annual Run for the Little Flowers Virtual 5K! 

Please go to Little Flower Project's website to support the amazing work they do!

Run for the Little Flowers Virtual 5K

This virtual 5K is to benefit an amazing organization called The Little Flower Projects.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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