7 Quick Takes *Lite*
I am doing a *Lite* version this week. It has been a busy week and my 4 year old is not feeling well this morning.
1. Proud Wife
This past week my husband was invited to the Synod on the New Evangelization in Rome!! I am so happy for him and super proud of him. He will be leaving next week and will be gone for 3 weeks. Several people have asked if I am going too. The simple answer is No. I am a little sad not to be going, as it would be my first trip to Rome, but logistically it would have been difficult. And my husband will be so busy over there, that he will not have a lot of opportunities to tour the city. But, I have told him to kiss St. Peter's toe for me and to take lots of pictures!
2. Cubbies
This week K had his first Cub Scout meeting.