I hope you all have had a good run!!!  Now is the time to share your experiences here.  Below is a linky where you can leave a link to the post on your blog about the run. 

We had a great run in MD!  The weather was perfect.  I was not able to run, but I loved every moment of it.  God is so good and I feel so blessed to be a part of this.

I am going to make this quick.  First, I want to thank you all so much for your support of this fundraiser.  In brief, there were 216 of you from 38 different states and two countries.  Together we raised $3,391.17 for Little Flower Projects.  All of the paypal money has been sent to China Little Flower and the checks will be sent tomorrow.

And I feel blessed beyond measure.

For any of you runners out there, you understand what a good pair of compression shorts can do for you.  They are great for recovery, but, in my opinion, even better for those long runs.  And Aspaeris Pivot Shorts are the best I have tried.  Here is a brief description of the shorts from their website:

Aspaeris Pivot Shorts™ have a triple purpose:

Improved Performance

The patent pending Dual Sensory Compression BandsTM guide your muscles into proper alignment.

This little fundraiser has made the news!  Go checkout the article at Catholic News Agency!!

Ingenuity.  Find a need and fill it.  Isn't that what this fundraiser for the Little Flower Projects is all about?  So, I do not think it is accidental that Bia Sport so graciously donated one of their tech tees to the run!

Bia Sport was started by Cheryl Kellond and Sylvia Marino, two busy moms to seven between the two.  both of these women love their sport and they saw a need.  A sports GPS watch designed for women.  Check out the video here.

If there is any company, created by moms, out there, that has inspired me and convinced me that I could do this fundraiser for orphans, it is 147 Million Oprhans. I LOVE them and their work!  I will not bore you with my own words.  The following is from their website:

The 147 Million Orphans Mission:

1. To provide food, water and medicine to children in need worldwide

2. To bring awareness to the orphan crisis


Thanks, Jen, for hosting!

1. My hubby has been gone for work for a week now. He is in Rome. At the Vatican. This is a view from the roof of where he is staying.  He took this picture so I could see where he goes to pray. 

Did I mention he will be gone for 3 1/2 weeks?

Oh, and this guy shows up at the same meetings my hubby is at . . .

This is a view from where my hubby sits during the meetings.

Yes, I am a little jealous!  I have never been to Rome.

This will be quick. Two things.

1. I am temporarily closing registration.  This is to save my sanity and so that I do not miss anyone who registers in the next few days.  I am in the process of sending out shirts and medals and want to make sure I have everyone accounted for.  Plus, I will be able to give a more accurate count of the number of shirts and medals I have left after this weekend.

First, I have to say that I love Tough Chick!!  I have been a part of Team Tough Chik this past year and the women on the team are the most supportive, encouraging women I have met in running/athletic circles.  If you are a runner, cyclist, triathlete, etc, I highly recommend checking out Team Tough Chick.

Ok, so on to the Sponsor Spotlight.  Tough Chik is a company that makes performance clothing for women.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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