This is one of my most favorite prayers!  The boys and I have made St. Andrew Chaplets and have had to make more because I love to give these to others!

This is a very special prayer and I haev read of many special prayers answered through this Novena.

Won't you join our family?

The St. Andrew/Christmas Novena

Say 15 times a day from St. Andrew’s Day (30 November), ending on Christmas Eve

Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In that hour, vouchsafe, O my God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires, through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His Blessed Mother. Amen.

. . . you know the rest of that statement.

But, I seriously think our family will be OK.  WE love history and are blessed to live in a very, history rich area. 

My oldest is studying the Civil War right now.  When I was a kid, I LOVED learning about the Civil War and I dreamed of living in an Old Plantation style farm house in the countryside of Virgina someday.  My favorite movie was Gone with the Wind. So, I wanted to encourage my son in his fascination with the Civil War.

For the past several months I have felt "off."  I have been eating well, but not as great as I could.  Because I had not been running (notice the tense used . . . that is for another post), and my PT took away pretty much all high intensity exercise, I had fallen into a exercise funk.  I had been tired most of the time and I enjoyed a nice cup of coffee more than once a day. 

I knew I needed a change.  I knew I needed a detox.  My hubby and I have done different detoxes over the years.

One of the bigger outings we did while my husband was away for work was heading to the Renaissance festival.  The boys have been begging to go all fall and the weather and our schedule finally cooperated.  We decided to go to an early mass one Sunday and then head directly to the "Ren Fen" as it is called here.

We had never been to the Ren Fen and it was quite the experience!  Since we went early, it was not too crowded when we got there, but there were SO MANY people dressed in costume.

One of the weekends in October, our local Fire Department had a Fire Awareness Open House.  K's Cub Scout Den met there for an Den activity.

While my husband was away, the boys and I went on many adventures.  One glorious Saturday, we headed to a Pumpkin Patch!  Here are some photos from the day.

I  have been a total blog slacker lately!!  Between being busy and just not having a strong desire to blog, I have not been in this space much the last month.  But, I do need to catch up with posting, at least, some pictures of the last two months so that my family can see all the pictures.

These are the pictures from our local Run for the Little Flowers 5K meet up.  It was a perfect morning. The sun was shining and the weather was great for an late Fall October morning.

Thanks for hosting Jen!

1. My hubby is home! My hubby is home!! YAY!!

2. The worst part of him being gone.

His delay due to Sandy and him not being here during the hurricane. That was hard. And a bit scary too.  I prayed, a lot, that the storm would miss us some.  Praise God we were OK. We did not even lose power here (which is unheard of, we lose power even if there is a gentle breeze).

And, realizing that I am not as patient as I think I am.

To my three wonderful sons,

As you know, Daddy comes home later today.  The last three and a half weeks  almost four weeks have had their ups and downs, but, we have had a lot of fun.  We went on many adventures.  We went to the Renaissance Festival and the Fire prevention Day at the local fire station.  We visited Grandma and Grandpa in Buffalo. We handled Dad's delayed arrival with grace, well, at least with some grace. We even made it through Hurricane Sandy.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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