1. 12-12-12

This date was my birthday!  I had a wonderful day with my family and enjoyed it so much.  Plus, it is awesome that my birthday is on such a great Feast Day. I love the Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe.

2.  The Odd Life of Timothy Green

After the kids went to bed on my birthday night, my husband and I watched The Odd Life of Timothy Green.  Two weeks ago, someone said to me that they felt that they needed to tell me to watch it.

I cried my way through that movie.  Maybe it is just because it is "where I am at."  But, I totally lost it while watching the final scene of the movie.  It was a good thing that only my husband was there to witness it.

Anyone else see it?? 

I should have a movie party at my house so people can see it . . .

I am not sure why it is so much easier to feel His presence and recognize His gifts on vacation, but it is.  Maybe because the routine of daily life is interrupted somewhat.  There is still laundry to do, meals to prepare and dishes to clean up.  But these tasks feel so much less burdensome when on vacation.  Suddenly coonversations with strangers, texts from neighbors are seen as what they are . . . gifts given to us in the day to remind us that HE is with us always and loves us so much.

Can the beauty of fireworks make you cry?  Well, yes, it can.

The night after the Christmas Town Dash, we headed to Colonial Williamsburg for Grand Illumination.  It is the celebration of the beginning of the Christmas Season and the highlight of the night is firework displays.  4 to be exact. Throughout the town.  We had gone to Grand Illumination two years ago and watched it by the Governor's Mansion.  This year, we headed to the Capital Building.

The night was beautiful.

The first day of our vacation was a busy one.  It started early in the AM with the Christmas Town Dash 8K.  Most of the family was running.  K and A were running the Running with the Cows Chick-fil-A fun run.  And J was registered for the 8K.  My husband and I were also registered, but obviously both of us could not run.  We had done this two years ago too.  One of the perks of running the race, is getting a free ticket to Busch Gardens.

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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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