by our love . . .

(Now, unfortunately I have that song stuck in my head!)

For me, it started on March 14, the day after Pope Francis' election.  And it has only been heightened by the events surrounding the Supreme Court and the same sex marriage debate.  I have seen more than my share of ugly comments floating around the world wide web over the last few weeks.  There are "Good Catholics" who harshly criticize the Pope for his ugly pectoral cross, his "Low mass", the lack of lace.  I have read how he will destroy the Church (really?).  Then this week I have read way too many hateful comments from people who call those who want marriage to remain between a man and a woman, bigots.

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It may be Spring, but they waited all Winter for a day like today!

This book review was a long time in coming.  I first have to apologize to Lisa Murphy for that!  Lisa, the author, graciously sent me a copy of the book waaaay back in November, right after the Run for the Little Flowers.  But, the review is finally here!

With an Open Heart is a true story about the Murphy family and their adoption journey with Daniel, a precious and amazing boy from China.

“We are enclosed in a narcissistic and consumerist prison...The real power is love, that which empowers others, that which arouses action, that which no chain is able to hold back, for even on the Cross or on the death bed one is able to love. One does not need youthful beauty, nor recognition or approval, nor money or prestige. Let love simply bloom… and it is unstoppable.” ~ Pope Francis (Buenos Aires, May 2013)

As I mentioned before, I was so excited about the Conclave.

Thanks, Jen, for hosting!!


I have a Pope Francis post coming. If you want the gist of it, read Mary's post  . . . my reactions were somewhat similar to hers.  The only differece is is that I got to watch it when it happened. The short version of my post for here: LOVE him, so excited, he is so peaceful and humble.


I do not get all those who do not like Pope Francis already because he prayed in Italian and not Latin, or because he did not wear the stole.

1.  Waiting to see white - I am giddy excited for the Conclave.  I have been lifting up prayers throughout the day today for the Cardinals and the Conclave.  I will be honest, I am still hoping for a long shot  . . .

. . .but praying that HIS will be done and that all are docile to the Holy Spirit.  The Cardinals have a heavy task and it is our duty, our privilege to lift them up in prayer.

2. The Conclave -  If you want more information on how the conclave works, watch this video . . .

Over the past two weeks, I have been tagged by Susan @ Sole Searching Mama, Mary @ Let Love Be Sincere and Mary @ Better Than Eden, so I figured it was time to jump on the band wagon and write the post . . the only problem is is that each tagged me in a totally different type of post! So, I combined all three . . . I am giving you one random fact and I am answering 4 questions from the other tags!

1. Something you would not know about me.

I am joining the ladies at Fine Linen and Purple again for WIWS! 

We are having a BEAUTIFUL day here. The weather is just gorgeous and I cannot wait to finish this post and get outside for a run! 

Unlike last week, I did not plan my outfit today nd, 5 minutes before we had to walk out the door, I had to find something quickly that looked decent. So here it is . . . 

Sweater:  Merona from Target

Tank top under sweater: Merona from freecycle!!

Skirt: I have no idea . . .
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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