This is a repost from about a year and a half ago.  It was something that God shared with me on a retreat at a time when I was struggling with the things that I thought "defined" who I am.  And, I do not think I am alone in this.  I think, we as women, can often struggle with tying who we are to what we do, what we have, how many people read our blog, etc.  And, God has impressed it upon me again and again that those things do not matter.  Our worth, only comes from HIM.

I am not defined by the house I live in.

I am not defined by the clothes I wear.

I am not defined by the number of miles I run or how fast I run them.

I am not defined by what time I get up in the morning or go to bed at night.

I am not defined by the homeschool curriculum I use or the grade level my children work at.

Thanks, Jen for hosting!!








Happy Friday everyone!! Go for a run!

My first race in almost a year and it is DONE!!

First, I did not plan on this race.  I had heard about this race at the Zooma Annapolis Kick-Off about a month ago and then saw a few moms in our Moms Run This Town Chapter mention it.   It looked like fun.  I had never run a race in Baltimore.  And I was confident that I could run 6 miles.

Joing Hallie and the rest of the ladies for my five faves this week!


This chocolate chip cookie recipe.  I first saw it on a blog and then searched Pinterest to "pin it."  I make it all the time for when we have guests.  Last night I made them because one of the priests from our parish came to dinner.  He asked me, more than once,  if they were homemade because they tasted to good and looked so perfect.  Seriously, go make these today.  You will not regret it.


1. Lots of life going on here!  It has been a BUSY, but fun week!! On Monday, the boys and I went to visit Colleen and her family.   I think the blogosphere can be strange in that you honestly get to know people you never met and you consider them friends.  So, it was great to finally meet her.  My boys loved her kids too and keep asking me if we can visit them at their house when we go to Cape Cod over the summer! So, you might just have some summer guests, Colleen!!

2.  I have a new job . . .

I am always on the look out for nice, cute and reasonably priced fitness and active wear.  Thanks to Colleen for her review that I found Albion Fit.  Albion fit is a family owned company in Albion Basin, Utah.  They specialize in cute and trendy (and really comfortable) women's fitness and workout clothing and swimwear.

Here are some of my favorites from their web site:

Go Long Crew in Fuchsia

Black Blousy Swim Suit . . .

Joining the ladies at Fine Linen and Purple again for What I Wore Sunday!  Come join the fun too.  This week I had come home, got on my favorite pair of yoga pants and got all comfortable and THEN remembered that I had not had my hubby take my picture yet for WIWS, sooooo, I got all dressed up again just for this picture . ..

Shirt: Apt.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Congrats!  Check your email!

And, for all others . . .

Linking up with Grace today.  Praying for Jen and little JT who is still in the NICU!

1. The weather has been weird here.  And, I do not like to complain, but it has been HOT.  We hit 90 on Wednesday!!  Doesn't Mother Nature know it is just April?  Of course, it has thrown off our homeschooling.  The boys keep on asking me if we can go to the pool!?!?  I tried to explain to them that the pool does not open for another month and a half. I think the heat is getting to them.

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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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