This is a repost from about a year and a half ago. It was something that God shared with me on a retreat at a time when I was struggling with the things that I thought "defined" who I am. And, I do not think I am alone in this. I think, we as women, can often struggle with tying who we are to what we do, what we have, how many people read our blog, etc. And, God has impressed it upon me again and again that those things do not matter. Our worth, only comes from HIM.
I am not defined by the house I live in.
I am not defined by the clothes I wear.
I am not defined by the number of miles I run or how fast I run them.
I am not defined by what time I get up in the morning or go to bed at night.
I am not defined by the homeschool curriculum I use or the grade level my children work at.