I am posting early this week.  Partially because I need a break from all things "yard sale" and partially because I am worried I will not be able to get to the computer soon.  Need proof????

1.  The current state of our living room . . .

2. Now, I know I mentioned in a post a while ago that I do not like to clean, but I also do NOT like clutter, either.  This clutter is for a good cause though.  We are having a yard sale as a fundraiser for our adoption.  And SO MANY people have been SO generous to us that the items are, literally taking over our house.  So much so that we have had to move up our yard sale by two weeks!  We do not have a basement and our storage is limited, so the yard sale items have filled every spare space in our house.

I am going to try to make these 7 quick takes quick and informative.  Just in case anyone in the cyberworld was wondering, yes we are all still alive and doing well.


I am not sure where the term "Lazy days of summer" came from, but that is not my reality at all.  We are up and out of the house early so the kids can go to swim team practice EVERY MORNING.  Meets are on Saturday mornings and we have to be at the pool by 7:20 for warm-ups.  Next week, I think the meet is like 45 min. away.

Today is my middle son's 7th Birthday!  Happy Birthday K!  We have had such a fun 7 years and I cannot wait to see what God has in store with you!


You arrived early evening, born to my OB's newest CD by KT Tunstall! My best and easiest c-section.  J beamed and lit up when he saw you.  We were all so happy to have you!

And you were such a good baby.  A good sleeper, a good eater.  You have been our only "chunky monkey". 


My little 2 year old.  Your little personality came out.

This is just a friendly plea (oh, I will have a bunch more of these soon!), the Second Annual Run for the Little Flowers will be on October 19, 2013!  Registration will open next month and I am in need of sponsors for the run.  Right now I am looking for anyone, individual or business, willing to donate an item for the giveaway (see this post from last year for the items we had) or money to help defray the cost of the shirts, postage and medals.

Mary, at Better than Eden, wrote a great post about homeschooling and it really made me reflect on our homeschooling journey and the lessons learned.  And, this quote from Albert Einstein sums up my motto for homeschooling . . . .

My job, as my sons' teacher, is to find the genius in each of them and let it shine.  Those gifts, that genius, is different and unique in each, so their schooling will look so different.  And different from the homeschooling family across the street.  And that is OK.

I realized that it has been a while since I blogged and I am afraid that this space will lack any meaningful posts for a while.  Life is just full right now.  So, in case anyone cares what is going on with our family, here is a run down . . .


We were in a blissful paperwork lull for a while.  That has ended. Last week we had phone calls and multiple emails from our adoption agency and homestudy agency.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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