Happy Friday!! Wahoo!  It is the end of the week.  Thanks, Jen, for hosting!!

1. Noah

On Tuesday, I took the boys to the Sight and Sounds Theater to see Noah.  I have heard a lot of great things about that theater and the promotional video of Noah looked like it would be a fun show to see.  The production was great, but there were parts that were mildly traumatic and it was one of those "what were you thinking" parenting moments.  We were sitting in the theatre, which looked amazing because it felt like you are in the Ark, surround by the animals, but then the rain started, and the door of the Ark closed and, well, you could hear the suffering outside of the Ark.  Noah's brother pounding on the door to get in.  Crying.  Rain. Suffering.  Then nothing.

Yay! It is Friday!  It appears that I am only finding time to blog on Thursday nights, while my hubby is out of town. So here it goes . . .


The cough/croup thing that has been plaguing our family has caused me some pain.  The cartilage in my rib cage is inflamed and my intercostal muscles are strained.  I had been in a lot of pain, but thanks to my doctor for pain medication, I can get through my days again.  But, that is not why I brought this all up . . .

Another week has gone by and I have not posted.  When summer was here, I kept thinking that summer felt so much busier than the school year, but now that the school year is here, I am wondering just what I was thinking over the summer!!

But, it is Thursday night, my hubby is away for work, again, and the house is quiet, except for the clicking of these keys on the keyboard . . .


I realize that I have been neglecting this space lately.  I miss writing, I really do. I like to catalogue what we are going and life here.  I miss writing the funny, "what they said posts" too and I realized., the other day, that my kids are getting too old to say too many off-the-wall zany things! Oh, man, I miss the funnies!

But we are hanging on here and life is moving forward.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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