Thanks Jen for hosting!!

1. St. Andrew Novena starts tomorrow!! 

I will spare you all from hearing, once again, how much I love this novena, so all I am going to say is: PRAY IT!

(It is piously believed that whoever recites the above prayer fifteen times a day from the feast of St. Andrew (30th November) until Christmas will obtain what is asked.)

2. Blessed John Paul II, Pray for us!

Tuesday was our LAST home visit with our social worker.  It was the day she was going to do the walk through, inspecting the house.  After school work was completed, I was cleaning LIKE CRAZY.

Hey, all!  I am sharing these here, in case anyone is interested.  Beachbody has some AMAZING sales for Black Friday that start TODAY!

If inetersted, you can order through my website here. Any money I make from the sales, goes directly to our adoption fund.  So, get healthy, shop, and support a great cause.

Last weekend I went on the Joy for Journey retreat.  This was a retreat for adoptive moms and pre-adoptive moms.  Because the retreat was Christian, my hubby and kids decided to wait for me to go to mass.  We went to a local parish that has a Sunday evening mass.

When mass was over and I was walking with my boys, down the aisle.  An older women looked at me and asked, "No girls?" 

I have gotten this question before.

Outside my window...

It is 4PM and the sunlight is fading fast.  It has been a beautiful day here.  The sun was shining and the weather was really nice for a November day.  There is snow in the forecast tomorrow . . . I will believe it when I see the snowflakes fall.

I am thankful...

For a nice weekend in Baltimore. My hubby is there for meetings and the boys and I decided to go up for the weekend.

Thanks, Jen, for hosting!!

1.  Katie is blogging, it must mean . . .

her hubby is travelling for work again.  I am sorry if that sounds a bit snarky.  As I sat down to write these takes, I realized that the only time I have sat down to write any posts in the last few weeks was when my hubby has been away for work.  He has been gone alot lately.  He is not too far away right now, just 45 min, but the meetings run so late and start so early, that he stays at the hotel they are held at.

When I started the homeschooling journey, several years ago, I never thought I  would have to learn to become a special ed. teacher.  But, these days, that is exactly where I am finding myself. 

At the end of the summer, we had our oldest son go through a series of educational tests.  One day a week, for about a month, we headed to the educational psychologist's office for two hours for J's testing.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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