Two days before Christmas and I did not feel ready.  Sure, most of the food has been purchased for Christmas day meals.  Presents bought and awaiting our late night wrapping fest Christmas eve.  The house is fairly clean.  But, that is not what I mean by ready. 

I mean spiritually.  My heart has not been ready. I have prayed, meditated a lot this Advent, but this year has been tough.  Family issues and adoption set backs have had me weary and all of that carried into Advent.  While I totally trust Him and His plan and His timing, it has been abundantly clear that my own plan and timing did not quite match His.  And when I entered Advent, a season of waiting, I struggled to wait.  Honestly, I was done with waiting and just did not want to wait any longer.

I started this post yesterday, and it became a tome on my philosophies of going without and our own move toward making Christmas more simple.  And I may post that, really I might, but for today I decided to scrap that and share ideas and links of meaningful giving.  Because, in  order to simplify gift giving, without scrapping the whole thing, we are working hard to give more thoughtful, meaningful gifts. No big toys. No shopping at boxed stores.

Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!!

I am going to keep this particular post short today, but I have ideas swirling in my head for a couple posts this week.  This week I would like to spend some time on sharing my thoughts on intentional giving at Christmas and just plain learning to go without.  This whole thing was sparked by seeing the Christmas Bells on the Angel Tree in the back of our church again.  I have written about this before and my reaction each year gets stronger.

Saturday afternoon, my hubby and I were hanging laundry outside.  My husband had just finished some stuff on the computer, including his weekly scroll through Facebook.  While outside, we were talking about Facebook and the time we spend reading things of no consequence just because a few friends have linked to it.  My hubby remarked, just think if we spent the time in prayer instead of scrolling through Facebook.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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