If you are on Instagram or FB and are a friend of mine, you have seen this, but I just wanted to share this here too in case anyone is interested.

21 Day fix is a new workout by Beachbody that comes out next week.  The workouts are 30 min each and you have different workouts for different days of the week.  The workouts vary and include cardio, strength training, and yoga. 

What I love about this program is that it is one of the first that also focuses on nutrition and portion control. 

The basic program is $58 and includes the workouts, a shakeology shaker, and containers portioned out for your food each day.

I will be running a challenge group for anyone who is interested and I will be available to help anyone who starts the program.

Hey, all! I think I can officially say that the Buffalo is out of this girl!  I used to pride myself on my ability to handle cold and snow.  After all, I am from Buffalo!  But, the metro DC area, its weather, and inability to handle cold and snow has seeped into my bones.  I am officially over this cold and snow!

So, in honor of it, I am going to share some of my "go-to's" on cold winter days.

1. Athleta Polartec Power Stretch Pants

I have had these pants for about 3 years.

Thanks, Jen,for hosting!

1. Standing in the gap.

Have you read this story?  It is of monks in Kiev standing in the gap, literally, between the police and the people, praying.  It is an incredible story and it has been going on for days.  You can watch live streaming video of the conflict and the monks standing between the people and the police here.  

After reading the article, I wondered if I would be brave enough to do that.

I know I have not said much about our adoption lately.  And, truthfully, there has not been too much to say for a while.  We have had several delays in our home study.  CPS clearances were "lost" by the state's who received the paperwork, and because of that we were in a holding pattern until they came back.  Thankfully, the last one came back about two weeks ago.

Thanks, Jen, for hosting!

Since writing my first post about my family beginning the GAPS diet, I have gotten lots of questions about what we are doing.  Even though, most of these questions have been asked in real life, I decided to answer some of them here, just in case y'all want to know too!

1.  Exactly what do you eat? Or better yet, what can't you eat?

I know I was very vague on this point in my last post.  I did want to write more about it, but did not want the post to get too long.

The week after Christmas, the whole family started the GAPS diet.  This has been a long time in coming as I have threatened my family, lovingly, with it for years.  Simply, the GAPS diet is designed to detox and heal the gut.  Dr. Natasha McBride Campbell formulated the diet while researching diets for her autistic son.  Research shows that so many ailments, both metal and physical, are rooted in the health of the gut.  Through the GAPS diet, Dr.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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