Many of you may have already seen this, but I wanted to post here, too, with a little more information.

Now that we are waiting on paperwork, we have some time to start fundraising to cover some of our adoption expenses.  Currently, we are organizing an online auction and are in need of donated items for the auction.  We are looking for any items that would be good in an online auction such as: gift cards, homemade items, gift packages, etsy shop items, home-based business goods, handmade jewelry, etc.  Basically, anything that anyone would like to donate would be cheerfully accepted! 

The auction will take place at the end of June and we will need to have the items set by mid-June.

Please share this information on your blog, facebook, etc.

Our adoption journey has taken on such different meaning now that we have been matched.  And I have had reactions that I did not expect.  Once matched, I did not expect . . .

That the orphan crisis would take on a new meaning.

I have wanted to adopt since before I was married.  I have prayed for these children even more so over the last several years, but I did not expect that my heart would break even more for these little ones.

1. Our agency had a team travel to Felicity's orphanage a few weeks ago.  At the begining of the week, I got a zip file of about 30 photos of our cutie. I will spare you all and only share a few.

2.  What's Next??

Truthfully, I do not know all of the details.  I am in a few different adoption groups on Facebook and the acronyms that fly around after PA are foreign to me.  They make my mind boggle a bit.

The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

We released the little boy’s file on a Thursday afternoon, and by Friday morning I was anxiously awaiting the phone to ring again.  I knew it could be MONTHS before it rang again, but since the first referral happened so quickly, I thought, I was hoping, it would happen sooner.

For those of you who are friends with me on Facebook, you already know some of the developments, so bear with me. :-)

I need to start from about two weeks ago.  Our paperwork was on its way to China and we were waiting for the coveted LID (Logged in Dossier).  Once you are LID, you can be matched with a child at anytime.  We had had a conversation with your social worker.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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