Update 10/11: 

All of the money raised by the run will go directly to Little Flower projects!!

The Women's Larges are sold out, but please see size chart, as they run very small and I still have many XLs.

UPDATE 10/2:  There are only 2 Women's Larges left.  Please see the size charts below as these run very small.  I have a bunch of women's XLs, so please consider ordering an XL if you typically wear a size M or a L.  Thanks!!

It is that time again!!  You know, I honestly had no intentions of doing this run this year.  Our adoption process has coincided perfectly, imperfectly with the time I normally have the run.  And the run is time consuming and lots of work, right about the time that we will be preparing to travel to China to snatch Felicity Grace into our arms forever.

This Sunday, we decided to take a trip to Harpers Ferry; the town known for the failed John Brown uprising and the scene of lots of civil war history, is now a National Park.  Many of the buildings are still preserved and if you are a Civil War lover like I am, you will know that Harpers Ferry was used in the movie Gods and Generals for the battle of Fredricksburg.

Unbeknownst to us, this weekend just happened to be the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Harpers Ferry.

Life has been beautifully busy around here.  We have been blessed with a location and lots of donations for another yard sale this year.  We have gotten many amazing donations for our online auction.  I want to share many of them here.  Although we have gotten incredible items, it is so important to spread the word about the auction so that it is successful.  Please consider sharing the above image on your Facebook page, Instagram feed, or blog.

This is a big year for us.  In a few short months we will be in China to bring home our little girl, big changes are coming in the way we homeschool (a post is coming) and in December, I turn 40.  The age 40 does not really bother me at all.  Turning 30 didn’t either.  To me it is just another year.  I have grown wiser, I hope.  But, even though the actual age does not bother me, its effects do bother me somewhat.  Truthfully, I am starting to feel old.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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