3rd Annual Run for the Little Flowers 5K
All of the money raised by the run will go directly to Little Flower projects!!
The Women's Larges are sold out, but please see size chart, as they run very small and I still have many XLs.
UPDATE 10/2: There are only 2 Women's Larges left. Please see the size charts below as these run very small. I have a bunch of women's XLs, so please consider ordering an XL if you typically wear a size M or a L. Thanks!!
It is that time again!! You know, I honestly had no intentions of doing this run this year. Our adoption process has coincided perfectly, imperfectly with the time I normally have the run. And the run is time consuming and lots of work, right about the time that we will be preparing to travel to China to snatch Felicity Grace into our arms forever.