We have been in China now for one week.  I have deliberately refrained from sharing about each day and each excursion because there have been so many emotions and feelings about it, most of which are really for our family, especially our daughter to know and share and experience and not meant for sharing on the world wide web.

Monday was our Gotcha Day of Xiang Ling (Felicity Grace) and this is a day that I do want to share. It was a full, busy day and there were so many emotions that enveloped the day. 

Due to jet lag, Pete and I have been waking up 3 AM most mornings and Monday morning was no different.  But, what was different was that neither of us could fall asleep again.  We talked and prayed about the upcoming day until about 5AM and then got ready to be at breakfast by 6:30.

We first saw her face at the end of April.   Her pictures fill our home.  Our hearts have been with her these long months.  And now, we are just days away from boarding a plane, seeing her country, experiencing her culture, and most importantly, holding her in our arms for the first time.  That day will be the last day she will be an orphan.

The 3rd Annual Run for the Little Flowers is NEXT week everyone!  I cannot even believe that we are almost at mid-October!

I can barely stop my head from spinning these days with all of the developments and changes in our adoption plans.  Within the last week we have gotten travel approval and will be flying to China just days after the Run for the Little Flowers to finally hold our daughter in our arms!

So, my mind has not been, exactly, on the run or the details of it.
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I am a mom to four amazing boys and two beautiful little women and wife to one great man. We are blessed to have two children adopted from China. I love Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. I home school and am a personal trainer and life coach in my spare time. I pray that I can make a difference, even if in small ways, so that my kids can have a future full of hope.
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