The Murphy Family 8.0 - The details
The Murphy Family 8.0. Coming in 2016!
#thismomsgonnaneedlotsofgraceandlotsofcoffee #adoptionrocks #andsodobabies
And that was it. No real explanations. In some ways, I did want people to stare at the picture and attempt to figure it out. I was trying to be slightly creative. But, I did want to share further details, for anyone who did not wade through the comments and read my replies to questions.
She remembers . . .
Midsummer update and a few more photos of our son
The summer has been busy with many fun and crazy things happening.
9 months ago THIS happened . . .
It is so hard to believe that it has already been 9 months! Felicity is doing amazingly well! She had her palate surgery in January and is currently going through speech therapy.
An open letter to my son
You know I watch you. Watch you as you swim each stroke. And I see the dissapointment in your eyes as you hop out of the pool; hitting the wall after others. And I want you to know something my wonderful son.
I see you dive in, swim the pull out effortlessly. You come up and begin the breaststroke. And watching you, it truly is a thing of beauty. My eyes well with tears as I watch you swim. You are beautiful to watch in the water. You know that I think that.
A reflection on the year
What is He asking you?
His name (and a picture too)!
It took us a while to figure out a name for our little guy.
God is a much better writer than I am
One year ago tomorrow we got the call that all adoptive families wait for and a few minutes within that call, we saw a picture of Felicity for the first time.
6 Months ago today, she was placed in our arms. Forever.
And today she is a thriving, happy little girl whom we all love. In the book of our adoption, this is a perfect place to end the story.